I want to know what I should pack to take to the hospital with me?

Is it better to take pajamas or nightshirts/nightgowns?    — [Anonymous] (posted on March 3, 2001)

March 3, 2001
I agree with Barb that the hospital gown is the only thing you will be wearing. Take a robe and slippers for your walks and I took a new wooden spoon... I wrapped toilet paper around it to take care of personal needs so I didn't have to bend. It worked out really well. Good Luck!
   — marlene R.

March 3, 2001
Definitely wear the hospital gowns; take a wrap around robe for walking the halls. A wooden spoon or tongs for bathroom clean-up. A phone card for those long-distance phone-calls. I also took a small fan; my room was HOT!!!!! Chapstick, hand-lotion.
   — Kristy J.

March 3, 2001
In addition to all the things already listed, I took a small CD player with earphones. It helped me relax, get the most from my pain medication, and tuned out the hospital paging system and other noise in the room. It was definitely not a necessity, but was really nice. Good luck!
   — Diana T.

March 15, 2001
Things to bring - hope it help - my surgery (if approved) is also soon - April 16th - good luck: deskfan, chapstick, hairbrush, shampoo & cond., deoderant, mirror, toothbrush & paste, cloth headband for hair out of, robe, slippers, pj (nothing over head), sanitary napkins (in case), favorite pillow blanket, radio or cassette, pictures of family, wooden spoon (hygeine) flushable wipes, magazines, book, phone numbers, pen and paper... Just make sure you have your PAIN MEDS RX filled and waiting home for you and other sugar free items you will need - a great site for this info is: good luck diann
   — Surgery 2001

March 15, 2001
   — PT LawMom

March 16, 2001
The things that I found invaluable were Corn Starch to put in those sweaty places Ie under your breast and other folds that you have just be CAREFUL NOT to get any in your insicion or your drain sites. Make sure that you are careful to NOT to let the Corn Starch build up clean these places daily and reaplay as needed that is what I did and it was a big help! Also invest in a few pairs of silky or slippery shorts these make getting in and out of bed sooo much easier. Mine are the Bali brand they look like a slip but they have legs in them like shorts slippery pj bottoms will work I have a pair from Petra langeray(sp). Clean new underware for at least 5 days, Slippers, And the last thing was chapstick. The rest of my needs the hopstial Provided I used their gowns. If you have any questions give the hospital a call they can give you a good idea of what you need just rember everything you take there you have to cart it all home again.
   — Lynette M. B.

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