Taking Prozac Pre-op?

I've heard people say that they have to go off of there Prozac 6 weeks befor surgery, I was wondering if anyone has ever heard of this?    — [Anonymous] (posted on February 9, 2001)

February 9, 2001
I took my prozac the morning of surgery. Then I took it again the day after. I would definately talk to the dr. who prescribed it to you and find out how they would like to handle this issue, especially in light of the fact that alot of people get depressed after surgery(I did) because of the change and loss experienced.
   — twenc

February 9, 2001
Good answer! DO NOT STOP your prozac unless your prescribing doc tells you to and tapers you off! If you think that you were depressed when you started Prozac, you will really be in the dumps if you stop and have to restart it once the serum levels are down! Everything I have read about surgery of any kind indicates that some depression is normal post procedure, and especially with WLS. I watch folks who "feel good" quit their meds every day where I work ( a mental health center) They often have negative results both physically and emotionally requiring more intensive therapies to right their moods. Take care of yourself, it is important!
   — [Anonymous]

February 9, 2001
I take Zoloft. I asked my Doctor if I would have to go off, he said no. He also said that it might help with the post-op blues we seem to get around 2 weeks post-op. I am almost 3 months post-op now and have never missed a day. Everything went just fine, and my post-op blues were there, but I'm sure they were nothing compared to ehat they could have bee. Talk to your Dr. about this.
   — Patti S.

February 9, 2001
Hi...I'm the type of person who only has to go on Prozac every now and then...pre op I started back on my Prozac a month before my surgery because I had heard so much about the post op blues...stayed on them through the first 2 weeks and went off the third week..for me it was just right.
   — Debora H.

February 9, 2001
I just had an pre-op appointment with my doctor today and he said to stay on my Prozac. I do take Ibuprophen quite often and he said to stop it about 1 week before surgery. Like one of the previous posts said...DO NOT stop your Prozac all at once. I made this mistake about a month ago. (I had a nasty stomach flu and Prozac tends to make my stomach a little funky until I've been on it for a few weeks) Anyhoo, I did stop taking mine all at once...bad mistake! Threw me into a huge funk! Ask you doctor to be sure but more than likely continuing to take it should be fine.
   — Deniece H.

February 9, 2001
Hi, I am 25 days post op and have continued to take my Prozac. They even gave it to me in the hospital. I doubt very much whether you will have to quit. It it concerns you just ask your doctor. Good Luck
   — marlene R.

February 9, 2001
Prozac also comes in liquid form.
   — CohenHeart

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