Does peppermint oil help with post-op nausea?

I canceled my date for a proximal RNY and am now scheduled for a BPD/DS on the thirtieth of this month (thanks to all who responded to my earlier question). I had non-WLS abdominal surgery a year ago, and was sickened by every smell for more than a week afterward. Somewhere, I read that sniffing peppermint oil from a handkerchief helps many people with this problem. Does anyone know where to find peppermint oil? I have not found it in any grocery store, nor at the local GNC (I'm in the Washington, D.C. area). Has anyone found anything else that is effective against post-op nausea? Thanks.    — Kay B. (posted on January 16, 2001)

January 16, 2001
I don't know if this would help your nausea or not. Although I have heard of using pepermint tea to combat morning sickness, so maybe there is something to it? Anyway, I do cake decorating as a hobby, and have seen peppermint oil before where cake decorating/candy making supplies are sold. These oils are expensive for some very small bottles, but if it helps, I guess it would be worth it. I had very bad nausea for a couple weeks after my surgery, and the only thing that helped was injections of phenergan at the hospital. I went to the ER once for it too. Luckily the nausea went away on its own by the end of three weeks. Good Luck!
   — Lynn K.

January 16, 2001
I haven't heard if you smell peppermint oil that it with help, but I heard that if you eat somthing peppermint it will help. Some of the drug stores carry flavored oils. You might find it there.
   — Carla S.

January 16, 2001
You can find peppermint oil at any Health Food, or Natural Foods store too. I am having open RNY in three weeks, and I am sure going to try it. Thanks for the idea
   — RDSunshyne

January 16, 2001
My postop nausea was managed by lemon slices in my water, the tartness helped. Also, in place of peppermint oil, you might consider peppermint chewing gum. I chew gum to help with breath, head hunger and a host of other things.
   — Cara S.

January 16, 2001
Mint gum helped me with my nausea also. Wrigleys Double mint gum was the ticket for me.
   — Jan M.

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