Geez!! when is this nervous stuff gonna end??!!

Tomorrow is the day of my pretesting. I will see my surgeon for the 3rd and last time prior to surgery, also. My surgery is EARLY Tuesday morning (July 18th). I am NERVOUS!!!! Yes, I know that it is normal to feel this way. To make it worse, my daughter was crying on the phone tonight when she talked w/ me. She is afraid that I won't make it thru surgery and she is a basket case. I tried to calm her down. Now, how about you guys trying to calm ME DOWN?? (Lots of nervous pre op's on here today, huh?). Come on, all you post op's ....tell us all something wonderful to make us relax!    — kathy S. (posted on July 11, 2000)

July 12, 2000
Kathy, Hey, I was where you are at a few days ago. My surgery is scheduled for monday 7-17 early... Had my pre -op 7-10, it was a piece of cake. An xray, a little blood a breathing test... lots of talk.. and i had lots of questions... It really does get better... you have to keep busy.. me, i'm getting my stuff together so someone else can teach my summer bible school class for me... and house cleaning... just due somethin anything and you'll see how fast the day goes by... I know that you have really looked into this and you know what its all about... you've made the right choice... you have a right to a healthy life just like the next guy or gal..... Take care and good luck. Alma
   — Alma H.

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