Has anyone had depression just prior to wls?

I know that many have said that they experience post op depression. My question is "has anyone experience depression PRE OP?" I am prone to depression and am on meds for it daily and have been for a long time. It has been pretty stable til just most recently. My surgery is scheduled for July 18th. The closer it gets to that time, the more depressed and edgy I feel. Today I am ok but yesterday was the PITS!! I'd appreciate any feedback you can give me. Thanks.    — kathy S. (posted on June 23, 2000)

June 23, 2000
I am scheduled for surgery July 14th. I have also been depressed, this week being the worse, I have no energy i feel tired and real cranky. I have taken 2 days off from work because i am feeling so tired. I am surprised about this because although i was depressed before, ever since i have found out i was going to have the surgery i have been in really good spirits. I mean finally a light at the end of the tunnel. My life doesnt seem so depressing and hopless anymore I have something to look forward to. So tomorrow I will get up and out first thing and really enjoy life. I hope you do too :)
   — Michelle S.

June 23, 2000
Hi, I have been suffering from depression for the last 7-8 months. I also am taking medication. I find that when I do get drpressed though it is right after I have failed keeping weight off after a diet. For the last few years I take off 50 I gain 70 take off 50 again, gain 80.. My Surgery is set for 7/10/00 and I have to say I am not feeling depressed about it one bit. My husband sure is doing his best to make me depressed but I am not letting his antics bother me. I see this surgery as my last hope. I have pictures of myself when I was thin, granted it was high school and I am now 32 but I was attractive then and I hate the way I look now. I am so excited about this surgery nothing will bring me down. You guys have to look at it as your chance to look and feel better. Cathy
   — Cathy G.

June 23, 2000
I'm afraid I am begining to feel it. I have had boughts of depressed mood before, but nothing really like this. I am so apprehensive - waiting on my insurance company (who in all likelyhood will deny me because of their exclusion). I saw Dr. Mark Shina in Louisville, KY 4/11/00 and still have heard nothing from my insuror. I feel like I have gained 20 lbs since then. I eat constantly it seems. I feel miserable. I feel myself loosing hope. Medication will not help my insuror respond any faster and I don't believe it would help me with my depression as I really feel they are to blame. I do not feel suicidal or anything like that - just in a real blue funk completely related to not knowing if I can have this surgery or not. Apparently my insuror (United Health Care of KY) could care less about my health. Perhaps disgusted is a better word for me personally than depression. Oh well, sorry to ramble.
   — jeff P.

June 24, 2000
I went on anti-depressant medication about 4 weeks before my surgery, stopped them the day of surgery and haven't been back on since. My anxiety level was so high, I became irritable, tearful and slightly paranoid. (Why did I have to have all these medical tests? I was fine, these darn doctors are just out to make an extra boat payment, yadda, yadda, yadda.) Now, I am back to my normal self, which is only slightly sentimentally weepy, and for the most part, easy going. I believe in better living through chemicals and didn't think twice about hitting up my PCP for 'mother's little helper'. Fondly,
   — merri B.

April 4, 2001
I was diagnosed with depression and anxiety-I am also a pre-op. After 3 days of being on Celexsa, I asked my doctor if I could stop taking it. It made me feel, "high", dizzy, nauseated. I have never used recreational drugs, but this probably comes close to it. My psychologist at my consultation went by a personality test to say that I was depressed. I felt just fine, except for having a severe cold and fever the day of my appointment. (I didn't want to reschedule either) I think I am the most level headed person out there, why go by a test? Anyone else out there with the same problems?
   — Jennifer C.

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