Unable to tolerate antidepressants

I'm two weeks post-op open RNY and am unable to tolerate any medication. Unable to take vitamins or calcium supplement. My antidepressant, Effexor, was given in hospital and I was told it was OK to continue after discharge. I've tried crushing it, small portions at a time, etc. Each attempt leads to immdediate gut ache followed by gas and much distress. Help! Physcially I'm doing OK but emotionally I'm a wreck    — Donna H. (posted on April 25, 2000)

April 25, 2000
Check with your pharmacy, surgeon, and physician who placed you on Effexor to see if it comes in liquid form. Paxil, I know for sure, does. Perhaps your physician could change you to a liquid SSRI while you cannot tolerate pills.
   — Heddy-Dale M.

April 25, 2000
Hi Donna, I too am on SSRI meds and I was worried about taking my pills after surgery. So I spoke to my doctor and she put me on Paxil 2months ago because it is one of the few anti-depressants that comes in liquid form,so I'm all set! Please don't panic!! Call your doctor about this, if he/she knows you well you might not even have to in, they just call it in. I am so sorry you're hurting. You don't have to stay in that emotional hell!! I'm praying for you and if you need to talk, my email is [email protected] Write to me anytime, about anything. Love Joann
   — Joann B.

April 25, 2000
After my surgery, my Zoloft gave me terrible stomach aches every time I took it. Like you, I tried everything I could to get it to go down easier. I was about ready to ask my doctor to switch me to prozac, which comes in a liquid form. But, then I got to the stage of my post-op diet where it was ok to eat crackers. I found that if I ate one or two crackers before I swallowed the pills, and another cracker after the pills, it helped tremendously. Now, seven months later, I can take the Zoloft easier, but still usually wash it down with milk to make it gentler on my stomach. Hope this helps.
   — Lynn K.

May 8, 2000
I have had a terrible time with my Effexor. I can only take one at a 350mg tablet at a time. My doctor and I are trying to increase it back to two tablets a day, by increasing the dose by 50mg a week. So far it has been working. Hang in there!
   — Jennifer R.

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