Please help-How long after surgery should I expect to feel so bad?

I had an open proximal rny on 2/1/00, I am nearly two weeks post-op, I am very tired since I can't sleep, I am nauseous all the time, I still have some incisional pain and wound oozing (my staples won't come out until 2/14/00). I can't walk around too much without feeling like I'm either going to pass out or my insides are going to fall out! I'm doing everything the doc has told me to do, before surgery I was a strong 28 year old women and now I'm worried that I may live my life feeling horrible forever. I know it's early but I'm really scared, I'm set to return to work in about two weeks, and I'm afraid I won't be able to make it. Can anyone please tell me about how long it took for you to start feeling normal, normal enough to go to the grocery store or talk a walk outside? Please help....    — prissb (posted on February 13, 2000)

February 12, 2000
I can share with you that I had my surgury 2/2/00. I am feeling stronger daily. I walk about half hr a day and probably could do more. I have yet to be sick to my stomach. I had a head ache for a couple of days that is normal for me when I go quit eating junk. It's gone away now and although, I can't do as much as I would like to, I really do feel like im healing up quickly. Im 46. Maybe you're not getting enough protein. That could really limit your energy. This probably doesn't help, but it gives you a kind of gage perhaps. Good luck.
   — Shelly G.

February 13, 2000
Two weeks out is still a rough period on some, staples still in and in most cases tube also. You're body is adjusting to the loss of food content. You have probably already dropped 10-20 lbs that's a great deal in two weeks, so give your body time to heal. You didn't say why you're not sleeping it is from pain? or just uncomfortable? That alone would make you tired all the time and weak. Some in this group have found is comfortable to sleep in a recliner, I had no problems at all in bed or from pain or discomfort so not sure what else to suggest on that part other than lots of pillows. Are you wearing a band around your incision site? That will hold it firm when up walking etc. (some surgeons use it some don't) I know it's hard to walk now, but that is the only thing that will regain your strength along with proper nourishment. What are you drinking? At this point should be all liquids still. drink water, water water..So you won't dehydrate.. Maybe you're not getting enough nourishment. Hard for me or anyone here to second guess you without more info (i.e., liquid intake protein content) I'm glad you're going to your surgeon Monday to remove staples and look at the one that is oozing. I wish you fast recovery you're young and this will all pass and in few weeks you'll look back at this time and laugh because you'll feel so absolutely wonderful, gawd to be 28 again. ;-) Check out my website on hints what all you can drink during your liquid stage. Good Luck
   — Victoria B.

February 13, 2000
Dear P.B., Come on now P.B., just relax. You won't feel this way forever, I suspect it's just the post-surgry depression talking. I wore an adominal-support band post-op that gave me just enough support. Call our doctor he can give you one. You can even sleep with it on. You should be getting almost 100% by the 4th week. It is proven that people with good positive attitudes heal faster and feel better. Try to do things at home that you enjoy. Read, light candles, think of how great your new body will look in all those hot little outfits your going to buy. Don't isolate yourself if at all possible.Short visit from family and friends always cheered my day up. Either at my house or on the phone. You will be feeling better in no time flat. Good luck & Good health.
   — Juli T.

February 13, 2000
i had a lap gastric bypass on jan 20th ,i also had a rough time like you are having ,i had a extra long surgery was on a ventilator for 2 days came home on day 4 after surgery.i was in the same shape i just did what i could tried to walk every day that does help and drink plenty of water and broth and my pain meds also jello helped staples oozed too i took 2to 4 showers a day to help me feel better ,it does get better i am on week 3 and i am off pain meds and can do around my house little jobs i just rest when i am tired .you will get stronger you just had a major operation and it just takes time my doctor told me that too and he was right i thought i was suppose to do more than i was doing but i was on schedule,i also couldnt sleep and i cried for no reason it was caused by your body fighting off the anesthesia drugs ,some people have a harder time getting rid of it .i am a respiratory therapist for many years i am 40 yrs young and each day i feel better so give yourself time and patience and you will too if you need any support you can email me anytime i go back to my dr 2nd visit the 15th this tues .good luck and take it easy hope i helped ya
   — kim B.

February 13, 2000
I am 3 months post op and it seems like there is always some type of pain, little nausia, or something that keeps me saying "uh-oh",,,lol But I came to realize that the more I did and do the better the symptoms got. Hang in there and just follow doctors orders. I wish you much luck in your recovery.
   — Kimberly R.

February 13, 2000
Hi! I had my surgery on Jan. 20th also. I have been nauseas (sp) since the moment I woke up in recovery. I have been on several different medications for this, they work for about a 1 1/2 days and then back to the dry heaves and vomitting. I am having trouble keeping any and all foods down especially water! Have you talked to your doctor about medication? I am about to try my third medication for the vomitting so wish me luck! On the good side, I have lost 38 lbs, I am tired but not to the point of not doing anything, I do a little more each day. So keep a positive outlook and hopefully for both of us things will get better soon! Take care and good luck!
   — Denise G.

February 13, 2000
How long before you start to feel normal? You are feeling normal. It is normal to feel bad after major surgery. It is normal to be tired, in pain, nauseous, and feeling like your guts will fall out. You just had major abdominal surgery, it will take time before you feel better. This is normal. You will not feel like yourself for a while. I had lap surgery, and went back to work in three weeks, even though my doctor wanted me to wait. I was exhausted. I was dizzy from not getting enough fluid. Be sure to speak to your doctor about the physical symtoms, but remember it will take a while to heal and get fully back on your feet. Rest, rest, rest and heal.
   — Linda S.

February 13, 2000
P.B., I felt the same way after my 1/13/00 surgery. I had lap RNY and for the first two to three weeks i felt so badly. I could not even talk to my family (kids and husband) without getting mad, crying or just being a real pain. I felt so depressed and weak. It was the worst time in my life. It reminded me of post partum except more intense and worse and i did not even have a baby to show for it. Around week three i went back to work for a day and everything kind of came back. Within another week i was feeling fine emotionally and now i am feeling stronger. I never thught the bad feelings were going to go away too. They do, just hang in there and remind yourself this is only temporary. I am almost five weeks out now and am feeling almost normal now. I am back to work full time and able to drive my kids all over the place again and smile again too. I am wearing my jeans again and they are feeling baggy! That is a good feeling too. In the beginning i could have cared less about losing weight, i just wanted to feel normal again. I would see overweight people smiling and laughing and i would wish i would have never gotten the surgery. Believe me it goes away. You will feel better soon. Good luck Diana G. 1/13/00 lap RNY down 30#
   — Diana G.

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