Has anyone ever experienced unexplained depression before surgery?

I'm exactly one week out from surgery and I suddenly find myself depressed sometimes. I even think about canceling my surgery. I know the risks, and am scared somewhat but I don't know of a valid reason to be depressed. I have been heavy my entire life and want a new life...I wonder if deep down I'm depressed about leaving this life I have become comfortable with. I really don't like this feeling and this is certainly uncharacteristic of my normal self. I want to pull myself out of this and would appreciate any words of wisdom or advice you can offer. Malinda Open RNY-8 November Shreveport, LA    — Malinda M. (posted on November 1, 1999)

November 1, 1999
Malinda, I went through what you are talking about. Up until I was put under for surgery, I was doubting my decision. I wrote down reasons why I wanted to have the surgery, and concentrated on them. For a week before the surgery I could not sleep, I was either too excited to start my new life or too scared that I was making the wrong decision. November 4th will be my one month anniversary, and I am very happy that I did it. I have lost to date over 22 lbs. And I know that will be 22lbs that I will never see again. What I did when I was having like panic attacks was to take a bubble bath by candle light and concentrated on the future trying imagine my new life and me in it.
   — sue ann A.

November 2, 1999
I have/had the same feelings. We all go through the same thing. At this point in time I have been so condiditioned that food was my only savation up until my surgery on October 26, 1999. Before and most of last week right after the operation, I was obsessed with food. It is now one week latter and still on a tottaly liquid diet, but I am starting to feel great. I more netrual about food right now. Please do not change your mind. All the benefits of this surgery outweigh any good feeling derived from food. Good Luck and God Bless, Joe Wlodynski
   — Joe W.

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