May we hear from some

A recent post indicated that EVERYONE eventually gains some or all of their weight back. I refuse, at 2+ years, to believe that. I think we have come way too far and work way too hard for that (and we all know what that means). I know it BECOMES a struggle, but LIFE is a stuggle in general. If we all GAIN the weight back, why do we? Because we learned nothing? Because we tried to beat the system? Help. I am getting nervous. I work at staying on some good eating plan every morning, and some days I am a successful and others I am not. I worry because at 2+ years post-op I have lost and maintained 143 pounds and love my life. Does that mean by 5 years I will be back up to 268? If that is the case, has someone figured out a way to prevent that from happening, other than working at it as I am currently doing? :( HOW SAD!    — Missy H. (posted on September 18, 2005)

September 18, 2005
I hope not, I think maybe the reasoning is getting back into old habbits, our bodies have figured out how to begin reabsorbing the food we take in, possible SLD. I always read "never weigh every day...Only at the doctors appointment" not here, I do weigh everyday, write it down on a calander, and I know it will flucuate daily from 1 to several pounds, but I still maintain very close to my goal weight. Too as we get older, our metabolisum slows down. But I think it is up to us to stay focused,and keep better tabs on ourselves and nip it in the bud if we see the unwanted weight trying to come back. We (my hubby and I ) eat just about anything, but to help myself keep control, I use the basics, water, protien first,veggies, fruit, and sometimes a spoonfull of something I am wanting. My husband has also had wls, we share a couple of bites of candybar, or reeses pieces, we had this surgery to gain our lives back and to relearn how to eat small amounts, and be satisfied. When my husband and I eat our meals, we use small saucer plates, so it looks as if we are eating a platefull, instead of a regular size plate. We share 1 chili at BK for a meal. Everyone has to find their own nitch, on how to maintain success and keep control. So hopefuly with our personaly weighing everyday, writing it down, using small plates and walking we can maintain our success with wls. We are sure going to give it a 100% shot.
   — wizz40

September 18, 2005
No, not ALL gain the weight back. I am on several yahoo groups with people 5 yrs+ post op and most of them are maintaining. It just takes work and dedication....just like losing the last few pounds. There is also a 4yr post op on one of my groups that has lost a LOT and gained some back and is now losing that again! We have been given a TOOL and must continue to use it in the right way. Regaining the weight is NOT inevitable....but still working at keeping it off is! Good luck! Carmen
   — kccjer

September 19, 2005
Rosemary, I 1000% agree with you, and I am so jelous that you have spouse that you can share the experience with and have your own personal angel/and concience to remind you. Thanks. Julie K Brunswick, OH
   — dogs2cats

September 19, 2005
I have heard that some small weight gain is possible, but my doctor says if you follow the diet and stay true to yourself and your plan that a few pounds wont hurt you, as long as you continue on your plan strictly, you should not regain the entire amount that you lost. I have not had my surgery yet, but am very hopeful that the insurance will cover it and am really looking forward to having it done, and will do anything necessary to maintain the loss. Good luck, and just be true to yourself and your goal plan.
   — genie J.

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