Did your PCOS trigered facial hair improve with WLS?

I have PCOS and was wondering if anyone has seen the symptoms improve, especially the facial hair.    — Tina A. (posted on March 7, 2005)

March 6, 2005
I have the same issue. Once you have hair, its there, for good. Unless you have it removed either by laser or other permanent methods. Mine hasn't really been affected at all and I'm 10 months out. I am planning to laser soon! Very expensive though.
   — Dedicated

March 7, 2005
I don't know if you will notice much improvement on your face or not and I think, too, it depends on how heavy it gets before you have WLS. To me, mine has improved, but I was always fortunate enough to be blonde and it wasn't so noticeable . . . except to me . . . and my ex-husband who enjoyed seeing me get mad when he would point out that I was getting sideburns! Ugh! One thing that I did notice was every now and then I would get these really long chest hairs! I haven't had any of those since I had surgery 2 1/2 years ago. So, my answer is while things might not go away, I don't think they will get worse after surgery.
   — SnowWhiteDove459

March 7, 2005
I don't believe my facial hair has improved or worsened for that matter. I have suffered from PCOS for many years; which caused fertility problems since I would only menstruate once or twice a year. After having WLS on 2/12/04, that changed. I became regular (having 32 day cycles) and I am happy to announce that after 10 years of marriage I am finally pregnant. It happened on its own; with the help of dear hubby of course!!! ;)
   — [Deactivated Member]

March 7, 2005
I had my surgery last May and haven't seen a change. I just talked to my doctor about it and she suggested I try Vaniqa. I filled the prescription but have not started it yet. I am allergic to strange things so I am a little apprehensive about it. I figure I will wait until spring break to try it. I asked her about laser hair removal and she said that isn't permanent so if this cream doesn't work I guess I will hang in there until I can afford to do the electrolysis. My cycles are more normal now though.
   — Donna F.

March 7, 2005
I am almost 7 months out and the facial hair hasn't improved, but I am ovulating! My cycles last 38-39 days. I was hoping some of the hair would go away also, but oh well, at least there is hope of having another child! Good Luck!~Debbie
   — debbieu

March 8, 2005
I've tried the cream Vaniqa and it really does work..especially on the lighter hair....for really dark stubborn may slow the growth down but it doesn't take it away. I used it for about 2 yrs at $40+ for a small tube. You use it twice a day and you can see a difference within 2 months...However, I stopped taking it after I read more on the med and it does cause birth defects/spontaneous abortions etc. So, if you are looking at getting pregnant, I wouldn't take it. Most Insurance WILL not cover this med-so you'll go thru a tube a month-at least.
   — Heather D.

March 23, 2005
Hi Everyone, I am Pre-Op (surgery in two weeks) so I don't know if this is a medication that can be taken after surgery. But, I am on Spironolcatone and it has done wonders for me! I used to have horrible dark thick facial hair that would grow like crazy. I got laser hair removal and after a year of visits once every two months, I still had to tweeze everyday! My endocrinologist put me on spiro soon after that and it's amazing! I don't tweeze anymore except when it's that time of the month. My hair is lighter, thinner, and more sparse. And, it doesn't just improve excess facial hair, it also helps with excess body hair. My arm hair is 1/4 of what it used to be! I highly recommend that you check with your doctor/surgeon to see if this is something you can take. I'm going to ask mine when I see him next. Good luck! :) - Pam -
   — Pamela W.

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