Why did I faint? sorry-kinda long

Last night, I fainted. I was up and moving around and out of no where-down I went. I felt a little dizzy and then everything went black and I hit the floor. It was a few minutes before I could get up and my hubby had to help me. I hit my head on the corner of the wall and landed really hard on the tile floor. I now have a huge bump on my head and a bruised shoulder blade and a spitting headache even though this happened 16 hours ago. Does anyone have a clue why this would happen? I am 21 months post op. I have in the past 3 months dropped another 12 pounds without trying. I think maybe I need to check my blood work. What do I need to check- hemoglobin? B-12? Any suggestion, advice? I am kinda freaked out about this and it really scared me. Thanks-Jan    — Jan S. (posted on January 9, 2005)

January 9, 2005
Definitely talk to your doctor about this! I ended up in the hospital in October being watched for heart attack. They found out I had low iron anemia and Pernicious Anemia (B-12). Both can cause heart attacks and strokes. While I didn't have a heart attack, it went unnoticed that I was having light strokes in the hospital and I was released to go home. After that, my symptoms worsened. Talk to your doctor!!!
   — SnowWhiteDove459

January 9, 2005
It could be something as simple as dehydration, low blood pressure. We can't/don't know . . . Get thee to your doc! and take care, huh?
   — RWH G.

January 9, 2005
just because i have worked a tad in lab at hospital and i am a phlebotamist,,,,first thing that came to mind was iron,,,,,don't take this lightly,,,pls see your dr,,,god bless ,,,,,marcia
   — marcia W.

January 9, 2005
I went through the same thing at about 20 months out. Turns out I was severely anemic and had to have iron infusions. Please get it checked out. I was even taking iron supplements, just my body wasnt absorbing them.
   — Amanda H.

January 10, 2005
Definitely see your Dr. There are many reasons for fainting. In addition to those cited, my issue was hypoglycemia for one episode and vaso-vagal issues at least 3 times. Best Wishes: Maggie B 4/03 283/168 below goal
   — M B.

January 10, 2005
Call your doc, NOW. Make sure he runs a Complete Metabolic Panel. This will have many tests in this one test. You could be anemic (severly) to make you faint. Don't mess around with this because you could be driving next time and not only hurt yourself, but others, too. Have someone take you to see the doc. You need to have your head examined also. I mean literally not psychologically. Hope all goes well. Let us hear from you....
   — debi327

January 10, 2005
see your doc I my self did have the rubberie legs and week feeling my b-12 was so low my doc freeked out babbling about nerve damage and such hadto have 1 b-12 per week plus 1000 mcg a day keep in touch

January 10, 2005
Jan, getting to your doctor NOW is a MUST! I have just been thru almost the same experience you have and just posted MY reasons for this happening to me! I just had to have a blood transfusion because my hemoglobyn counts were so SEVERELY low that I was the walking dead! Read my profile and it might give you some insight! Your health and passing out like that is NOTHING to play with!
   — Carole M.

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