Do you know if, and why post-op ulcers are a common complication.

Dose anyone know if and why post-op ulcers are a complication. I know that sometimes they are caused by bacteria and such....but why are we sometimes "likely" to get them post-op??? I am waiting for my surgeon to answer this, but was wondering what you have heard. Thanks for your time!!! Louise C    — louisec (posted on November 9, 2004)

November 9, 2004
I don't know why post-op ulcers are so common, but please be sure to get help immediately if you suspect you have them. I didn't know I had an ulcer, because I didn't have the "normal" symptoms and ended up with a perforated ulcer and emergency surgery in June. This was by far the most unpleasant, painful surgery I've had, especially the NG tube being in for a whole week after the surgery. My surgeon said my condition was life threatening, which scared me so much. Please be sure to take any medicine that is prescribed, so that your ulcers heal quickly. Good Luck.
   — Lisa D.

November 10, 2004
Louise: From what I've been told, and read, the reason we're more prone to ulcers, is because they take our intestine, which is not normally in proximity with stomach acid, and attach it directly to the stomach. At the site of the attachment is where marginal ulcers form, due to the intestinal tissue being exposed to stomach acid. Not everyone has this problem, but it is fairly common post op. I started passing blood in my stools one weekend when I was a month or so post op. I ended up in the ER and was hospitalized with a GI bleed. They scoped me, and found a marginal ulcer. I now take prilosec, and am doing great. Some Dr's put you on something right away post op, others don't. Good luck! DeeAnn R.
   — DeeAnn

November 10, 2004
I've had two post op ulcers. They were both just outside the pouch in the intestines. It was explained to me just as Deann posted below. That part of your intestine isn't used to the acid and food that isn't more digested than it is just coming out of a stomach.
   — RebeccaP

November 11, 2004
Hi, I have had a post op ulcer. I had a gastric ulcer in my pouch. I was told by my surgeon that this was because the staple puncutred the stomach wall and formed an ulcer around it. From what I was told this is common in about 10% of the cases. The doctor put me on Nexium to heal it and now that I am 13 months post op (12 months post ulcer) it is heal and should not appear again. I hope that this helps.
   — triciam1230

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