Can't sleep without Xanax..... anybody else?

I'm 18 months post-op distal RNY and am maintaining a 120 lb weight loss, following all the rules, eating properly, exercising, etc. I am post-op lower body lift, breast lift, arm lift and inner thigh lift. Since my last reconstructive surgery, inner thigh lift, almost 4 months ago, I've had the worst time sleeping more than 2-3 hours at a time. Bottom line.... every night for the last 4 months, I take 1mg of Xanax to get to sleep, wake up 2-3 hours later and take an Ambien, fall back asleep and wake up 2-3 hours later and take .5mg Xanax to sleep another couple hours for a total of 7-8 hours rest. I function fine during the day and otherwise, feel great. Labs are perfect. Anybody else experience this inability to sleep? Am I malabsorbing the Xanax and Ambien since I'm distal which is causing it to wear off so quickly? I have an appt. with my primary doc this week and I'm very concerned about the amount of Xanax and Ambien that I'm taking. She isn't familiar at all with the trials and tribulations of us post-op patients so I'm sure she won't have the answer. Please let me hear from you if you suffer from the same issue. Much thanks!    — Vicki S. (posted on October 24, 2004)

October 24, 2004
I have not had my surgery as of yet (waiting for approval), but have had problems with sleep. I gather that if you posted this question, you are concerned because of the medications you are taking. I have fought this battle, and have finally decided that if the medication helps, then it is OK to feel good. I have this inner guilt that tells me that there must be something wrong if I take drugs (even legally prescribed, and they make me feel better). Don't know if this helps, but if you ever just want to correspond, feel free to contact me.
   — lindarodham6

October 24, 2004
Dear Sleepless, First of all, may I say congratulations on your successful loss. Your pictures alone show your hard work! Regarding your concerns I would like to share with you what I know that may contribute to your sleep problems. First in my experience; In June I had to have emergency neck surgery. It was then I found out that I was Claustrophobic. I woke up screaming and tearing off a plastic and metal neck brace that could have left me paralyzed. Because I reacted so drastically a hospital Psychiatrist came in to speak with me and gave me many prescriptions, one of which you mentioned. Xanax. I decided to go to another doctor for a check up one week later. This is what I learned. Xanax is used to treat anxiety. Not sleep. If taken for sleep it will eventually stop working and your body builds up a tolerance to it. Ambein was also prescribed instead of another brand given because it is not as habit forming. Sleep can be disturbed for many reasons. I suspect one of your reasons is that you are using Xanax to help fall asleep instead of taking the Ambein. Also, is the ambien strong enough? Another thing that came to mind from my own trial and error; when taking medication for sleep, it can sometimes put you in such a deep sleep it may exasperate sleep apnea. Something in which happen to myself. My friendly advice is to stop taking the Xanax; see your doctor about a sleep study, and make sure your ambein is of appropriate strength taken an hour before bedtime. Remember, if you have relied on something to help you sleep, it may take time to get your body accustom to not using it. Xanax is very additive! Always contact your PCP first letting them know what changes you are making! I am unsure of the amount of Xanax you are taking, your body may be relying upon it which could make things complicated. I hope and pray this has helped. congrats once again, you look beautiful! Sincerely, Lisa Ryan
   — Lisa_Ryan

October 24, 2004
I have been on Ambien 10Mg for over 4 years now. I had my RNY on 8/25/04 and since then I wake every 3 hours or so and wake very early. I was also wondering if the Ambien is not being absorbed like it used to. There is definatly a big difference since surgery with my does not work!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
   — debbiecoyne

November 3, 2004
Vicki, we are much in the same as I am 18 months post op and just finished up all of my reconstructive surgery, having had the same done as you. I also can't sleep since my second surgery, my thighs. I finally talked to my doc this week about it and she put me on Lexapro once a day and Xanax at bedtime. Let me tell you the difference. I go from sleeping about 3-4 hours a night to sleeping 8-9 straight through! It's amazing! I was thinking though that this may be a side effect of all the pain meds we were on after PS. It would be interesting to know if this happens to alot of people. Either way, that is what I'm on and it's great! Good luck to you!
   — SMG I.

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