Has anyone feel like they get pushed around now that they are thin?

I have lived in my home for 10 years. The woman down the street has lived there for 6 years. We have never had any conflicts...actually weve always been friendly.(both of us were obese) last summer she started giving dirty looks. The other day, Her son and another child were kicking a football back and forth in the street. They hit our new van about 5 times...then my husband went out and told them that was enough of hitting the van. She came down the street screaming and yelling. She told them to keep doing it. Then he hit it a couple more times..Hard. So my husband told them to stop or he was calling the police...she told him to send me down to her house so she could kick my ***. I had nothing to do with this at all...When I was heavy she did not have the you know whats to talk to me or about me like that...what is up with that?    — hooterzgirl75 (posted on June 2, 2004)

June 2, 2004
Lynn, I have one answer. Jealousy!
   — Shel E.

June 2, 2004
Oh wow sounds like she is a total fruit loop I think she is jellious also I lost someone that I thought was my friend after I had lost alot of weight and got way smaller than her and when she had been very lagre b-4 then he lost a lot of weight on her own she got a new bf why she lost it all then when they got married she gained it all back and then some I still treated her the same no matter what but she was a ery jellious person I just would not have anything to do whit her and dont get caught alone with her hope it all works out for you Take Care Huggs Beth
   — wildbrat

June 2, 2004
Next time instead of going outside just call the police and let them come down and handle it. Explain how aggressive the parents are in front of the children to you and that they make threats of violence to you. They won't mess with you long if everytime they do the police come down.
   — Shelly S.

June 2, 2004
You're losing weight. People are going to be jealous. It is human nature. I have one friend who is now an 'ex', as I noticed she kept wanting to sabotage my weight loss. Another person just stopped talking to me. It is the downside of weight loss surgery, but then I look at it this way: who the h#ll needs friends like that? Next time just call the cops and let them deal with 'em.
   — defatbroad

June 2, 2004
It is funny how the people around you change, isn't it? I had a friend that I quit talking to a year and a half before I had surgery. I didn't feel the friendship was a very healthy one for me. She just had some different views on life that I didn't agree with. Anyhow, a year after I had surgery, a total of 2.5 years after I quit talking to her, she was telling everyone that I broke off the friendship because I was enjoying my new thin-ness and didn't have time for old fat friends. I just had to laugh. That comment was typical and that attitude was one of the reasons I ended the friendship. Anyhow, sometimes peoples jealousy can get in the way of normal clear thinking.
   — RebeccaP

June 2, 2004
I have another answer for you. My family has also lived in our house a little of 10 years. The down-the-road neighbor saw me in the yard - normally, we wave and say hello, well, this time, she did a fast turnaround and went inside her house...I was wondering what that was all about. The next day, she saw me drive up into my driveway and almost came running up to my car. As I was getting out of my car, she almost dropped her jaw. She was coming over to tell me that my husband had another woman over and she thought at I would like to know about it...well, the other woman was me! She didn't reconize me since I had lost so much weight! I don't know if your neighbor has the same problem, but maybe she is trying to "protect" you - by being so nasty to your husband. Now, why she was letting the boys hit your van in another matter altogether! Had to tell you about my laugh of the day. danette
   — Danette C.

June 2, 2004
Is she married? Maybe her husband has been commenting on how very fine you look and the green eyed monster is living down the street now. Sandra
   — Arizona_Sun

June 3, 2004
"Is she married? Maybe her husband has been commenting on how very fine you look and the green eyed monster is living down the street now. " That has happened to me alot. I happen to have lost alot of weight in my face and look about 10 years younger. It's not that I am supermodel pretty now, but in contrast... Plus I fix my hair more and wear makeup, so I just look better. The women who were in 'cahoots' with me before feel they have lost an ally so to speak. I have been hurt by alot of people who were cheering me on, untill I started getting closer to thier size. Then when I got smaller, it got worse. That isn't everyone, but there are catty women out there.
   — Michelle A.

June 3, 2004
Sounds like jealousy to me also. Although believe it or not, sometimes your neighbors don't honestly pay close attention. I ran into the neighbor directly across the street last week, and she was surprised and said her husband and the other neighbors all thought I had my husband and son and my husband had a new woman living with him here. She had to go get her husband to prove to him it was still me. LOL Patricia 9-30-03 314/190/181 past goal
   — Patricia B.

June 3, 2004
Thank you everyone..I dont know what the reasoning behind her behavior is. I do know that I have had urges (since this incident) to say some very hurtful things...but, I must resist because I do know how it is to try to cover my low self-esteem with anger. I have also had long-time friends of my husband..(whom I have met many times)see us out and pull him aside and ask when he re-married. I have even had a relative see me last thanksgiving...(i had not seen her since memorial day of that year) ask me who I was. So, I know that I do look different. Thanks again to you all!
   — hooterzgirl75

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