Can someone tell me if they have had the same problems? 4 day still in pain

This is my 4th day post-op and I have hurt all day even after pain med. It is a constant, soreness like pain on my left side. I know they said the top incision area could hurt but was not sure about this pain. I am very swollen too. The shorts I wore home I could not fasten today. I fell like I have gas and maybe need to have a b.m. but when I try it is like I cannot help it along. I have done nothing wrong that I know of. I walk, drink my fluids, get in my protein and do my breathing. Any help would be appreciated. Jenn    — Jenn B. (posted on May 29, 2004)

May 29, 2004
You're only four days post-op! You're going to be pretty sore for awhile yet, so don't panick. I'm assuming you had your surgery laparascopically-and to me, the left incision was the worst. The top one never, ever hurt. The left one is where they do the majority of the surgery from, so it's usually bigger and much more painful than the others. Keep taking your pain meds on time-don't double up on the doseages or anything unless and until you get approval to do so from your doctor. Keep yourself propped in a comfortable way-don't pull or stretch your incisions. If you need to get up, have someone help yuo up. Another thing-when you have to sneeze or cough or laugh, press a pillow against your stomach. It'll keep it from hurting as much. As far as feeling like you need to have a B.M.-your bowels are probably nice and sluggish, thanks to the surgery and also the anesthesia. Take some milk of magnesia, that's the most gentle on your stomach so shortly post-op. If you still don't go to the bathroom in a day or two, talk to your doctor. Another thing you may want to try is some Gas-X. Take one and see if that helps you at all-when they do the surgery lap, they blow plenty of gas into your abdomen so that they can see what they're doing. It has to come out eventually and can be quite painful in the meantime. A Gas-X might help. Of course, before you take ANYTHING, ask your surgeon, as he may have his own protocol. I'm just telling you what worked for me. If the pain gets significantly worse or the area becomes inflammed and even more swollen, and hot to the touch, go to your doctor. Those are some symptoms of infection. Get your rest, try not to overdo it, and relax-you will feel better!
   — jenn_jenn

May 29, 2004
Hi Jenn. I second the previous response; and it doesn't sound like you're doing anything wrong! My left port incision was much more painful than I expected, and the pain meds just took a bit of the edge off. And I was so full of gas I was sure once I was able to pass it I would just float around the room. It took a while for that lower abdominal "I know I have to go" discomfort to work itself out. Walking (pacing sometimes) as much as possible and the occasional Gas X helped with the pain and bloating. Hang in there!
   — inkychick

May 30, 2004
Jenn, unfortunately, air and fluids from surgery is still trapped inside your body. Don't worry you'll not only be able to fasten those shorts, but soon they will fall off you. Allow 6-8 weeks for those fluids to fully pass - and stay away from the scale, it will only annoy you as your body weight flexes up and down - but it will fuild and gas. You're good to get in your protein and water, sip sip don't think of drinking and a full meal will consist of 1-3 spoons of liquids or soft foods - not what "we" traditionally knew as a meal.
   — Anna M.

May 30, 2004
Jenn...I agree with all the previous posters. I, too, had excruciating pain for days after my surgery. I was told that most often, people absorb the gas they pump into your abdominal area during the surgery in about 12 hours(the gas is pumped in to separate the abdominal organs & bowel). I personally never burped or passed any gas for about 6 days after surgery. I was extremely painful in my left side, left chest, left shoulder and upper arm, and left upper back and neck. After I started passing the gas, it took a few days for this pain to leave. As for my incisional sites, the one on the left, the biggest one, was extremely painful for a couple of weeks. I could put my palm over it and feel a lump about the size of my palm. I believe this was a hematoma (collection of blood) from the surgery and it had to re-absorb into my system. It did and I felt better day after day. Stay as active as much as you can and most importantly, keep your legs and calf muscles working if you're laying around a lot or sitting a lot. These are the areas that develop blood clots and if you constantly work your legs by contracting and relaxing your calf muscles and walking, this will help keep you from developing a blood clot.
   — Katherine F.

May 31, 2004
They warned me about my left side hurting more than the other. That is because that is the side the camera is inserted and they have to move the camera around a good bit. It is mostly just internal bruising and reshifting of organs after being banged around. Gas that they have to pump in is also a big factor for several weeks. I remember having some pain and calling and telling this CAN'T be normal pain, LOL. And I had three csections, so I was no stranger to surgery pain. But it did ease off after about a week or so.
   — Michelle A.

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