Help! Scared to death of temporary filter..........

I am having a temporary "greenfield type" filter inserted to prevent blood clots in about 3 weeks. My surgery is in 6 weeks. They are going to put it in my groin area, then a few weeks after my surgery they say they will remove it through my neck vein! They told me I will be "awake but will have some kind of sedative". I am scared to death of how painful this sounds. I am more afraid of this than of the gastric surgery itself! If anyone has had this,please let me know how it went. Thank You    — pattybre (posted on May 17, 2004)

May 17, 2004
I have a permanent one in and did not feel a thing when it was put in. THey put you in happy land and it is outpatient, but you won't remember it. Hope this helps!
   — casek

May 17, 2004
I believe they will give you the same kind of mind numbing medicine they use for scoping your stomach/pouch. You are technically awake, but unaware and you remember nothing afterwards. You won't give a rip most likely as you will be in lala land.
   — zoedogcbr

May 17, 2004
Hey, i had a greenfield filter placed after I developed a blood clot and bilateral pulmonary embolisms. The clot developed the day after surgery and by the 2nd day after surgery it had broken off and went to my lungs. If I had had the filter in prior to surgery (like I wanted) it could have prevented this. God was with me and I am here today. Now back to your issue with placement of the filter, they went in through my neck also, it was uncomfortable, but they held my hand gave me pain meds and it was over in minutes. It was much less painful than the pain in my lungs. So just concentrate on what the alternative could be without the filter and trust in your doctors. I will keep you in my prayers. Lisa lap/rny 10-23-03 339/217/??? -122lbs
   — Lisa H.

May 18, 2004
I am not up on filters, but have spoke with a few people that had a filter put in and they are left in for life???? Is this not the same kind? Everyone I spoke with thought it was a grand idea for theirs to be in for life, always protected. As I said, I know very little about filters, just passing on info from WLS friends. Marla
   — Marla S.

May 18, 2004
I personally know of a few high-risk folks who had them placed, and it is well worth it. Your surgeon wouldn't want to do this unless it would be in your best interest. As someone who has had one, a blod clot is a way worse fate.
   — kultgirl

May 18, 2004
I am 32 and had my filter placed last July. Mine is not meant to be removed, and I wouldn't want it taken out even if it could be done easily. The procedure to place it is easy. I got to watch mine on the cath lab screens. It was pretty cool to watch. You'll do just fine. Rachel
   — Rachel T.

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