I'm over 1 year out and experiencing constant nauseau all of a sudden.

I had my surgery 2/10/03. I'm about 3 pounds from goal and was feeling great. All of a sudden about a week ago, I started having constant nausea. First day was diarrhea and nausea and since then just the nausea. Lightheaded on occasion also. I've been to my PCP twice. He's done bloodwork twice to ensure I'm not dehydrated (borderline). I'm existing on bananas and rice. Drinking gatorade for the minerals. He did an upper GI series yesterday and it showed nothing. This happened once before in November and it lasted three weeks - had a CAT scan and EGD - both negative. Finally went away on its own. Has this ever happened to anyone else? My PCP has consulted with my surgeon and they are out of ideas. Thanks, Kathy 215/123/120    — kathyb (posted on April 14, 2004)

April 14, 2004
I'm only 5 months post-op...but I started having this same problem around 3 months. Everything is just fine...yet some times I just feel nauseous. Especially if I drink to fast when I haven't eaten in a really long time. Eating Tums seems to does snacking on crackers.
   — Renee B.

April 19, 2004
Kathy, I am nauseous all the time. I feel like I will vomit at any minute. I don't know what it is. Let me know if you get any leads. I am 19 months out. Nicole
   — nicole79

April 20, 2004
By any chance do you have a lot of allergies and/or nasal drainage? If so, try taking an antihistimine before you go to bed (like benadryl). I have this from time to time and it always fixes me up. It was explained to me that sometimes nasal drainage can inhibit the pouch's processing of food and even cause lots of nausea.
   — Cathy S.

September 13, 2004
Granted, my surgery was only on 8/10 but I'm having contstant nausea too. I've found that sometimes eating a hard boiled egg helps. I hope you're feeling better. Kathryn
   — DiscoKath

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