I have lost 160 pounds in 2 years and now I think I am having hormone problems. I hav

I am only 30 years old and think that I am having premenopausal symptoms. I had a hot flash the other day and I do not have any desire to have sex. It has gotten really bad the last 6 months. Does loosing a large amount of weight affect your hormones.    — Amina K. (posted on March 25, 2004)

March 25, 2004
Hi, I am now a year post op and am 32 years old, but I ahve had hormonal problems ever since before having rny surgery. I had to have a hysterectomy about 3 years ago adn have been in menopause for awhile now, but anyway, the dratstric weight loss you have been thru can definitely change your hormones, so you might want to go and see a gynocologist just to be on the safe side adn too see if you are going thru the change or not, it seems alittle to early for you if you are though unless like me having to have a hysterectomy, that put me in it immediately, but like I said loosing alot of weight can change alot of things too so indeed go and see someone about the issue if it continues won't hurt! Good luck to you!
   — Melodee S.

March 25, 2004
Yes, it can throw your hormones into almost teenhood, as far as confusion. There are blood and urine tests you can do to see where you are in the hormone pool. Bear in mind that if they do tweak you that it may continue to change for awhile. But at least you'd not feel quite as helpless
   — vitalady

March 25, 2004
Interesting timing. I've been dealing with this for the past two months, too. I've had some bloodwork done, and the indications seem to be that I've been thrown into perimenopause. (I'm 45 though.) My doctor said she has had a few people who lose over a hundred pounds have that set them into "the change." The hormones stored in our fat cells changes drastically and quickly. She is doing further tests (to rule out thyroid also being sent into a tailspin) and has thus far recommended more iron supplements and black cohosh (an herb). She will see what else to do after the next results arrive. Mine haven't been hot flashes, but intense night sweats. Mine started after my hernia repair in February and have gotten closer together (every night now). I had thought that the surgery shocked my system, but the doctor indicated it could be that or the weight loss--it's a toss up. Good luck. You may wish to ask your doctor for an FSH blood test as a starting point.
   — Mary Ann B.

March 26, 2004
I AM SOOOO HAPPY THAT SOMEONE ELSE IS HAVING THE SAME PROBLEM!!!!! I am 3 yrs post op and the last 1 1/2 years my life has been in a tail spin. I thank GOD daily that I have a great guy and he has stuck it out. After I lost the weight I started acting very wierd, I was going out all the time, I didnt want to come home. Crying for no reason. Did stuff that I normally wouldnt do. Now 1 1/2 yrs later I think things are leveling out and I am almost back to where I was before the weight loss. I am on prozac, have been for 3 months. That is working great for depression. I think I have started the CHANGE OF LIFE THING. I want to do everything I didnt do before weightloss. I am a completely different person now. I am 36 and had the rny in 6/01.
   — Lisa J.

March 26, 2004
As everyone is different I have not had this problem, however a Endocrinologist will assist you with specifics about your hormone/thyroid functions and if you are at some stage of menopause, they can figure that out also.
   — Anna M.

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