Celebrating the new me? Or mourning the old?

Hi, tomorrow (3/15/04) will 10 months since I had my LapRNY. I'm down 115lbs. I use to wear a size 30, & 3XL at my heaviest. Which was just before surgery. Today I wear can wear anything from 12-16 or m-lg depending on the make and style. Today, when I got up for church I put on an outfit that I had been planning on wearing all week. I thought it would look okay. Brown pants and an orange sherbet colored short sleeve sweater. I looked in the mirror and saw someone I'd never seen before, ME!!! The real me, emerging from my shell. This set off a kind of chain reaction. I asked my husband to take my monthly pictures (as I do every month.) I looked at the pictures on the computer, and there again I saw that same person looking back at me that I saw in the mirror. I looked at the one of me from the back, I said to Bill "Is that how I really look from behind?" He said, "Yep, that's you." I grinned from ear to ear. At church many people commented on how wonderful I looked. When I got home from church, I decided it was time to go through my drawers and closet and get rid of all my "fat" clothes. I never really wanted to before, because I think I hadn't accepted the fact that I am no longer an obese person. I filled one large box, and 2 large green garbage bags with clothes. I will bring them down to church tomorrow. I know someone needs them. I kept one sweater and one pair of pants to remind me of where I was. Well, I put it on, and my daughter got herself into it too, with me, lol, we were both wearing this sweater, together. (she's 15, 5'7" about 150lbs) We were laughing so hard, I was crying. I went from 282lbs to 167lbs. I'd love to lose another 30lbs, but if I didn't lose another pound I'd still be very happy. I think today I reached the point where I can actually see how much thinner I am. This was the best day I've had since surgery. I've said goodbye to the fat me, and hello to the healthier, thinner me. And I think I've fallen in love with her. LOL. Thank you for listening, I'm sorry it's so long. Has anyone else gone through this kind of metamorphasis?    — KellyJeanB (posted on March 14, 2004)

March 14, 2004
Congrats on finding the new you. When I decided to begin this journey my girl friends talked about the day I would emerge from my cocoon into a butterfly. I'm not quite there but I think you are. Congratulations......
   — Angels4unme

March 14, 2004
Hi, Kelly Jean. I so happy for your success. I hope to be where you are by my 10 mo anniversary. I am about 9 wks post op and have lost 55 #s. Already I have notices things are so much easier.
   — Carolyn B.

March 14, 2004
Kelly, I am 5 1/2 months postop and I have lost 126 pounds. Sometimes when I look in the mirror I feel like crying. My weight loss has gone beyond any expectation I had. I told somebody the other day that every day feels like Christmas. It is such a miracle. I haven't gotten rid of my old clothes either but a family lost their home last week to a fire and one of the ladies wears the same size I started out at, so that is where my fat clothes are going. I too am going to keep a couple of things just to remember where I came from. This is such a miracle and I am so grateful for it. I still would like to lose about another fifty pounds or so. I started out at 338 and am at 212 now so it is possible. I just wanted you to know that I know exactly how you feel. I love to see people that I haven't seen for a while and watch their expression when they finally figure out who I am. Somebody told me the other day not to let the compliments go to my head. I say that I went for 41 years of my life with very few compliments and I will take all I can get now. Anyway, Kelly, I wish you the best. This is a great journey we are on and I am glad that we have a way to share it with each other. Sharon Farley
   — shurnlea

March 15, 2004
I'm 10 months post-op also and down 105+ lbs. I finally see the new me now also. It took a long, long time. When close friends and family would comment on how great I look, I would ask them, "Do I really look different?" because I just couldn't see it. It's amazing and wonderful and such a huge ego-boost to be able to put on clothes that look WAY too small on a hangar and they fit - sometimes loosely!! This surgery is a gift and I'm grateful.
   — [Deactivated Member]

March 15, 2004
Kelly Jean your posting was so enjoyable to read that the lentgh was not noted as a matter of fact, I was disppointed it ended so soon. You are an inspiration and I admire that even though you want to lose more, you are not stressed out about it as I see a lot of that. I'm only 3 months out, but I also appreciate the 61 pounds I've lost. I remind myself that last year this time I had not even lost 1 pound or 5. GOOD LUCK ON YOUR JOURNEY TO A HEALTHIER YOU! And thank you for sharing your story.
   — Anna M.

March 15, 2004
Thanks for shring your story. I needed to read it. I am one year post op and I have lost 160 lbs. I know wow!, There are times when I look at the person in the mirror and I am amazed,but there are more times when I still feel very fat. Do you ever feel that way? Jodie
   — Jodie S.

March 15, 2004
Congratulations you did it!! Enjoy the new you.
   — catleth

March 18, 2004
Hon, you look like your daughter in the after picture, what a wonderful job you have done, great attitude, God Bless you, Susie
   — lostitall

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