Do I use the whole bottle?

I had my pre-ops today and was given a small bottle of hibiclens to shower with before surgery. The nurse didn't mention if I should use the entire bottle and I didn't think to ask. It is a small bottle but it looks like there is more than you would ever need. I know this is probably a stupid question but does anyone know if I am to use the entire bottle. My surgery is tomorrow. Thanks.    — Erin N. (posted on February 23, 2004)

February 23, 2004
I would, what could it hurt. You just get super clean! LOL
   — Natasha B.

February 23, 2004
I forgot all about doing that. I was told to scrub with the whole bottle. Good luck and I wish you the best!!!!!!
   — Sandy M.

February 23, 2004
I don't have any answers for your question,I just wanted to wish you well and speedy recovery on the first day of your "New Life" as it has been for me! God Bless!
   — Connie O.

February 24, 2004
The cleaner I had was Hex-A-clens,was told to take shower evening before and morning of surgery, use it from the neck down, they didn't say you had to use it all. I used several tbsp. each time, enough to get myself covered in it.
   — MarjN

February 24, 2004
Some surgeons don't require that at all....mine didn't.
   — jennifer A.

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