I just lost one of the staples from my incision site and i'm not sure what I should

do. I have 13 staples from open gallbladder removal and the 3rd staple from the top got snagged on my shirt and came out. It is not bleeding and the skin is staying together but i'm worried maybe it will open. I was going to have gastric bypass with gallbladder removed and after the surgeon started he decided he couldnt do both at once. I was soooo disappointed to wake up post op and still not be on the other side!    — Anissa (posted on January 4, 2004)

January 4, 2004
Maybe you can take a small bandaid, twist it once in the middle to make a sort of butterfly bandage and then put it over the spot where the staple fell out.
   — Margaret S.

January 4, 2004
You can buy real butterflies at Walmart and such. They are in the same isle as the bandades. HTH.
   — tmchase62

January 4, 2004
How far post-op are you? If the staples were due to come out soon it would probably be ok. But you coule put a butterfly on it to be safe. Did the surgeon explain why he couldn't do both procedures at the same time? I weighed 346 pounds when I had my Open RNY and they did both with no problem what so ever.
   — Patty_Butler

January 4, 2004
My staples all started to pop out themselves about 3 days out. None came out, but they were basically hanging there by a thread.
   — Renee B.

January 5, 2004
It is best to call your surgeon's office, explain what has happened and see what they feel will be best for you to do. I'm sure it is nothing to be concerned about since the incision is healing and not open BUT it is better to confirm that with your surgeon.
   — [Deactivated Member]

January 5, 2004
Hi! Not to worry. It is ok...They can't put it back anyway. As long as your wound is closed and there is no bleeding you are fine..however if you are concerned call you doctor. Jan Park
   — Fancy

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