Ever have one of those days??

I don't know, I just want to vent I suppose. I don't know what's wrong with me but I'm just so upset right now. Every other day after this surgery I'm so happy, I feel so blessed, my outlook is 100 times better than what it was, but sometimes just the smallest things upset me since this surgery. I was in a minor accident the other day and didn't get upset over something like that, but today someone said one rude thing to me and I've just been bawling ever since. I guess I'm not looking for a response. I just want to know how you guys deal with this.    — mars.renee (posted on November 13, 2003)

November 12, 2003
Hi Marcie, I just wanted to tell you that I know how you feel. I have been wanting to ask this question myself. I notice now, that I am soooo much harder on myself now, than I was pre-WLS. I guess I just want to suceed now more than ever. Little things make me so frustrated, and I start to cry and go overboard. My husband just doesn't know what to do sometimes. But, you know what makes me feel better? When I start to feel frustrated, I go in my basement by myself, jog on my treadmill, and work up a good old fashioned sweat! I feel so much better afterwards, it's like everything is going to be ok! God Bless and take care! :)
   — EHarding

November 12, 2003
Something to consider....You are still in that phase where you are losing very very quickly. Keep in mind that your body has stored hormones in your fat cells and now those are being released in pretty large quantities. For me: Hormones = Big giant emotional wreck. But everyone is different. ;-) hugs
   — RebeccaP

November 12, 2003
I find that some days I am very calm and elated. Other days I am very edgy and short-tempered. It is an emotional roller-coaster at times. I am glad I am not the only one that is feels this way. Thanks for your post. Laura/Open RNY 17Jul03 -72lbs.
   — laurab

November 13, 2003
Hormones, Marcy, Hormones. I was crying over Boston Market commercials after surgery. I never even ate at Boston Market before surgery, so what the heck was I crying about? Also would get very easily peturbed at my hubby for nothing. I wanted to kill him one day because he didn't put my jeans in the dryer, he hung them to dry. I swear- I made it a federal offense. Why? Hormones. It gets better. Hang in there an try not to murder anyone in the mean time.

November 13, 2003
Marcie: I assume this is normal...I went through it...I'm over it. It took a couple of months to stabilize, but I think I'm where I should be now.
   — Amy A.

November 13, 2003
Marcie, I am 3 months post-op and have the same up and down days. I think I used to fill the down days with food, and now I don't have that option, so it makes it that much harder to get through those days. The good news is, it seems the longer I go, the less I miss the food and the joy it gave me. It really does get easier! Hang in there!
   — Angie M.

November 13, 2003
Oh yeah, it's the post-op hormonal wacko thing. When you're in the rapid weight loss phase (usually the first 3 months are the worst) your body is burning fat cells like crazy. Guess where estrogen is stored! In fat cells! So, you've got this flood of extra estrogen awash in your system, and then all it takes is someone to say your baby's name and you're going through a box of Kleenex! It's a wild, wild phenomenon! It does get better. Just cut yourself some slack. Warn your loved ones. And hold on tight. Blessings, dina
   — Dina McBride

November 13, 2003
Its hormonal and happens when you lose such a large amount of weight so rapidly. Take a deep breath when you feel like losing it, count to 10 and smile...
   — Cindy R.

November 13, 2003
Marcie, I am three weeks PRE-op...and have days like those! I am going thru so many emotions,fear, elation, depression, anticipation...husband and kids have learned not to look at me sideways cause i MIGHT BITE! (and besides, we didn't get heavy enough to need surgery because we dealt with our ups and downs in a healthy way!) I can only imagine what it will be like post-op, with all the hormonal changes and rapid body changes...there's not enough Paxil on earth...But I've learned a great deal from this site, most of all, that getting through this stuff is WORTH IT! Hang in there kiddo, you are not alone!
   — Susan R.

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