I was wondering if any one knows what this pain could be.

For about a week, after everytime I would eat, my stomach would get seriously upset. An hour later, it had died down but it was still there. Last night I had sharp pain on the right side up by the rib cage that seemed to go all the way to the back. It subsided after I went to sleep (at least I fell asleep). Then this morning I was woken up by the pain in the right side that was really sharp again. I will call the nurse but I was wondering if you knew if this was gallbladder or something else? Thanks in advance. 6/27/03 292/207/172    — horserider0146 (posted on November 10, 2003)

November 10, 2003
Sounds like gallbladder to me. Hopefully your surgeon will get you scheduled for an ultrasound soon to make sure. Good Luck
   — Carolyn M.

November 10, 2003
Oh my God!! IT'S YOUR GALLBLADDER!!!!.......This is too weird, I just went to the hospital last Tuesday for the same exremely awful pain up under my right Rib cage and it shot through to the back and I was MISERABLE..thought I was going to die, called my surgeon, he said get to the hospital ASAP and I did. Sure enough, the ultrasound showed my Gallbladder inflamed with lots stones in it...Now, this Thursday, I undergo surgery to have the little bugger removed...I can't wait, I don't want to go through that pain again!...Please see your doctor and just get the darn thing taken out! Good Luck and God Bless!
   — Beth K.

November 10, 2003
That sounds like gallbladder to me too. I'm having mine removed next week.
   — Patty H.

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