How difficult has it been to adjust insulin amounts after surgery?

I am a Type I diabetic, so will need to continue my insulin after surgery. I am currently taking Lantus and Humalog, and am concerned about how often I will end up with low blood sugar. I'd appreciate it if you could share your experiences, and let me know what challenges you faced. Thanks.    — Shelly M. (posted on October 15, 2003)

October 15, 2003
pre- op i was taking over, over 140 units of insulin a day (70/30, and R as needed) still my sugars were always high, plus i took 1 oral diabetes med also. i needed some insulin in the hosptial, but after i came home my blood sugars came down and i never have had a drop of insulin since. in fact the doctor did increase my orals to 1 1/2 times 2 a day, my last glycohemoglobin test was 5 that is NORMAL!!! i have never had a normal reading in all my life! so my best advise to you is take tsts often make sure all is well and wait and see what happens! i could not be more thrilled. hope the same for you!
   — janetc00

October 16, 2003
Hi, I'm pre-op, Type 1 diabetic and before my pump I was taking about 120/units of Humalog & NPH, now I'm taking bet. 65-75 of Humalog/day. My AIC has dropped to 6.2 w/the pump and I truly hope after WLS that I won't need as much insulin as well, and I'm also concerned about low blood sugar. How will glucose tabs affect me or will I be able to tolerate 1% milk to bring up my sugars? I don't have any answers for you, but wanted you to know that I'm in the same situation. Feel free to e-mail me, as our experiences sound similiar. take care!
   — SJWendy

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