Help Me Please...I am eating too much!!

I munch...graze...gorge in the evenings. I know that a lot of the eating is emotional (bored, lonely), but I can't seem to stop. I feel like I am loosing control...How to I regain control over my eating? Any suggestions?    — Nan G. (posted on October 7, 2003)

October 7, 2003
you could try only eating/drinking things that won't make you feel quilty. you could have a sugar-free pop(takes a while to eat and gives you something to taste for awhile), a protein shake, yougurt, string cheese or even try drinking ice water.
   — franbvan

October 7, 2003
first clean all the crap out of the house...leave only things that if you eat too much of you won't feel guilty about. Second seek out a councilor and find out WHY you feel the need to eat when bored, lonely, etc. There really is help out there for you...and unfortunately, while we on this board will TRY and help you, you really need someone one on one who is objective and is trained in eating disorders. Good luck!
   — [Deactivated Member]

October 7, 2003
I'd suggest get into counseling for your emotional eating or join a support group to get the bottom of what's bothering you. Take up a class or go to gym to exercise to get out and be around people. If you are grazing then munch on low calorie things or sugar free popsicles. Just remember all you've gone through with your WLS and believe that things will get better.
   — Starrlina

October 7, 2003
Nan- You've already received some great advice on how to minimize the evening grazing and the carvings to satisfy your emotional needs with food. First, I don't know of many of us who have not, at some point, gone to talk to someone to help through the feelings of anxiety you describe-- whether you choose a psychologist, psychiatrist or social worker for therapy, recognize that you are trying to create a healthy co-existence with a something to which you were probably addicted (food) but which served as a valuable coping mechanism and to which you probably have some very strong emotional ties (think of how many happy childhood memories involve a favorite baked item or a family meal). Secondly, when I hit that grazing phase, I used pork rinds to help me through--- they have no carbs so it's a safe snack, they are filling and they do tend to snap hunger cravings (particularly once you realize what it is you're eating). Ice water has also helped me a lot, as has making very concentrated Crystal Lite (to which I add buckets of crushed ice). Lastly, try to supplement with protein shakes-- make them thick and you will be surprised how the consistency of them and their high protein content will suppress your hunger. Good luck.
   — SteveColarossi

October 8, 2003
I'm an evening snacker too. Keeping it out of the house is a good suggestion and I have to do that sometimes for certain products I have no control over, but I'm also a believer in not denying myself some snacks. And, I would not be satisfied with a protein shake or yougurt-sorry! But there are other snacks, like the SF popsicles or SF pudding with cool whip that are satisfying and do less damage. Also, try things like sunflower seeds in the shells-eat one a time. Takes forever and you can't do much damage and they are protein! Also, the 94% fat free popcorn-eat 1 kernal at a time. That also takes a while to eat and stretches it out. Buy single serving packages of snacks so that you can't eat an entire box of something. If you want to avoid the grazing all together, then get busy at night. Why be bored? Join a gym and work out at night, or take an evening class, or go visit a friend. If your home, do something with your hands, like crossword puzzles or knitting (the goal is to keep the hands busy and not shoveling in the food). Seeking out a counselor is also a good idea-what will it hurt to give it a try?
   — Cindy R.

October 8, 2003
What amazing advice! I second the opinions on getting the bad stuff out of the house - then get YOURSELF out of the house. There are a lot of volunteer organizations that could use help, or start a book group, or take a couple of night classes. Pretty soon you will be too busy to sit around grazing. Good luck!
   — kultgirl

October 8, 2003
put a picture of yourself at your fattest on the fridge/cabinet and remember the pain of the surgery. also remember insurance never pays for this twice and the weight can be gained back. after this GET OUT OF THE HOUSE!!!!
   — [Deactivated Member]

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