My EGD came back with a problem...

Hi Guys! I told you I would keep you updated and here is the latest. The EGD shows that my opening to the small bowel is way too large, and my plumbing is straight up and down (no slant like it is supposed to have). Basically I am pushing food out faster then I can eat it. I will see my doctor next week after the upper GI on Monday. I was wondering if you have ever heard of this and if it is something that will have to be corrected for me to continue to lose weight. I know that there is nothing that can be done for a stretched stoma, but mine is not stretched. I am hoping that this can be corrected so any input would be appreciated. Thanks Reace    — Laureace A. (posted on September 11, 2003)

September 11, 2003
Reace - you may want to look at Helen Hanes' profile. She has a large stoma as well and has been trying to spread the word about this "unspoken" complication. You can e-mail Helen through her profile...JR
   — John Rushton

September 11, 2003
Some surgeons do the intestine straight up and down with the opening on the pouch on the side intead of at the bottom. For some reason, it is supposed to be better that way. I am so sorry you are having problems and hope you get all fixed up soon. Good luck!!!!!!!
   — Delores S.

September 11, 2003
Yes, often called the step-child of WLS, because its victims are so consumed with guilt. ("I can eat way too much. OMG, I can even out eat surgery. what a __ I must trulyu be. and worse" Thing is, there is no more blame attached to this than to having a flat tire or hole in a radiator hose. Looks like you are ALMOST at 1 yr out. If you tune into the Grad list, remind me someone you recognize to ask about this and people will talk about their experiences with this. I've sat in a few consults where the patient had to be told by my doc that this was the problem. Then he had to try to explain what could and could not be done, while this huge emotional flood ensued. The years of self-blame, wanting to blame the original doc, any docs who threw the blame on them, etc. It's a very difficult condition! Depending on exactly how the original doc made the pouch, there are different fixes. I've brought people to my doc here from all over for this problem, so you are very, very much not alone.
   — vitalady

September 11, 2003
Hi Laureace! I followed your original question with interest and I'm happy for you that you at least got an answer. I don't know much about this and I'm sure there are others who can be of help but I just wanted to say thank you for updating us and you will remain in my prayers that this problem can be fixed for you! Email me any time and keep us posted about what you will do to get this fixed. Take care and be well. Jody :)
   — MomBear2Cubs

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