I was wondering if it is a concern as to how fast you lose?

I had surgery on 6/27/03 and a starting weight of 292. At 10 weeks out I have lost 60 lbs and am half way to goal. I am 5'11'' tall so my weight is supposed to be at 160-180 according to the surgeon. So I was wondering if I should just enjoy the weight loss or if I should be concerned since I have only 60 left to go and being considered a light weight and being female I guess I just thought it would be alot slower. I am not complaining but just wondering. Also if anyone knows what low lymphocytes on a blood test mean that would be great. 292/232/-60lbs    — horserider0146 (posted on September 7, 2003)

September 7, 2003
Hi. I was 248 at 5'7" on the day of my surgery. I had lost 50.5 poundes at 2 months. Enjoy the weightloss. Thye second half of your weight will come off slower than the first half, although it will come off. I am now almost 7 months out, and am now down 93 pounds since surgery, so it took me almost 5 months more to lose 43 pounds. Just remember, the weight you lose now will be even more visible to you and others than the first 60!! Enjoy it!!
   — Fixnmyself

September 7, 2003
Lymphocytes are part of the immune system, so if yours are low, you may be at a greater risk of illness. I've studied to be a medical transcriptionist, and found this in one of my books. Hope it helps. Eight weeks post-op. God bless. Darlene
   — darbruing

September 7, 2003
Hi! I had surgery the same day you did. I started at 250 pounds, 5' 4". I have lost 56 pounds so far. The first 7 weeks I lost 49 pounds, a pound a day! Being a "lightweight" I did not expect to lose this much this fast, and it even scared me a bit in the beginning, but my surgeon was not concerned about it. Now the weight loss has slowed down but it is still coming off. Don't worry about it, just enjoy it and continue to get your protein, fluids, and supplements in every day. Congratulations!
   — DebT

September 8, 2003
I was 5'7" and 277 pre op. At almost 8 months I am still 5'7" but have lost over 110 pounds (I get weighed tomorrow)and am in a size 10 (even one 8!!!!!). I suppose that if the lightweight thing were true then I really would not be 10-15 pounds from goal already. I think that it is more about compliance to post op programs and staying focused. I have noticed in my support group that those of us who are most compliant lose at the same rate regardless of starting weight. The percentage of weight lost is very close to the same.
   — Carol S.

September 8, 2003
I had surgery 7/1/03, so I am now 10 weeks too. As of today I have lost 61 pounds. I am 5'5" and I started out at 256 and now I weigh 195. So if I were you I would just enjoy the quick weight loss because it might slow down and get harder as time goes on! I think you are doing great! Denise Davis 256/195/140
   — Denise D.

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