Does anyone else have problems with their iron 'repeating' on them?

Hours after I have taken my iron, I still burp the nasty taste of it. Any suggestions? I was wondering if I shouldn't take it at night before bed? Thanks!    — Elizabeth .. (posted on September 3, 2003)

September 3, 2003
Well, you're supposed to take it on an empty stomach, at least 2 hours after eating and one hour before and not with coffee, tea, or milk. Juice is OK. For me that works best in the middle of the night when I get up to pee. Also you're supposed to drink a cup of water with it to prevent irritation; I just take a few sips and have not had any problem. I'm a DS (small stomach, not pouch) and not sure how much of a difference that makes, but I take 65mg and that's quite a bit. Hope this helps!
   — Chris T.

September 3, 2003
Yes! I take it at night before bed so I'm asleep before it starts reminding me it's there.
   — mom2jtx3

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