I was in a car accident yesterday ...

... and am concerned about internal injuries. I was in the passenger seat of a minivan that was hit from behind by another van travelling at 70 mph. After we were hit from behind, we then hit a truck in front of us. Today I am naturally sore everywhere, especially where my seat belt was. I am 3 months post-op from an open RNY and of course my seat belt went across my belly and I am concerned about internal injuries at the surgery site. So far I am okay, other than being sore - no vomiting, severe pain, or anything like that. If any of you have been through something similar, or if any of you medical folks can help me out with some warning signs to look for, I'd really appreciate it. I know that we don't often discover car accident injuries until weeks later, so I want to be sure that I don't overlook anything that seems minor but might really be serious. I am seeing my chiropractor today and will be calling my surgeon on Tuesday too. Any advice would be most appreciated.    — MomBear2Cubs (posted on August 30, 2003)

August 30, 2003
Sorry to hear about the accident! So glad no one was seriously hurt. Being just 12 weeks post op from a major surgery... I would have gone to the ER to be checked. As you mentioned, some complications could surface days or weeks after an accident. If, nothing else....You will feel better by getting a clean bill of health. Good Luck! Lap RNY... 2/11/03.....250/160/145
   — Hazel S.

August 30, 2003
I certainly would go to the ER or somewhere to get checked out. Never chance it!
   — Danmark

August 30, 2003
I was in a serious car accident 3 months post lap rny. I was taken to the hospital and was there for 2 weeks. They did check me out and nothing was wrong that was related to my RNY but if you are concerned, you should call your surgeon or get checked out at the local ER. It's NOT a frivolous concern. Better to be safe than sorry.
   — susanje

August 30, 2003
I would suggest that you call your surgeon right away. Don't wait until Tuesday. Most surgeons are working holidays and weekends anyway and could easily have you come into the hospital for a quick exam. If you have any kind of internal injury like a split intestine or stomach damage, those few days could make the difference between life and death.
   — Jane S.

September 1, 2003
Jody, I regret not getting to this list of Q&A yesterday, please tell me you went to the E.R.!!! Why do folks delay even when they are in pain or trauma??? Hope you are okay...
   — Deborah M.

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