Less than a week post-op and hardly feel like drinking.

I'm just a mess. With my throat being sore and feeling like I'm constantly going to gag and the great amount of gas I have, I don't feel like drinking anything at all. I have been told that I need to drink at least 4 ounces of clear liquids per hour, but I feel so bloated and uncomfortable I can't do it. Half the time I even forget to. I am never hungry and I never feel thirsty, but I know I could really suffer if I don't up my intake here. Anyone else go through the same thing their first week? I tried Gas-X but that did nothing for me. I've only had a BM once since I've been home.    — mars.renee (posted on August 11, 2003)

August 11, 2003
Hi, While it may seem strange to have only 1 BM in a week, this is normal. Remember that you didn't eat before surgery and you were probably given laxatives as well which totally cleaned your intestines out top to bottom. As your food intake increases, so will your bathroom visits. You need to get your water in even if you feel bloated, which again is normal for many people. I had to remember to drink the first few weeks. Do you still haev your JP tube in? Once that was removed my bloated feeling started to go away. (A week post-op) Hang in there, it does get better!! Welcome to the losing side.
   — M B.

August 11, 2003
I didn't want to drink anything my first 8 days. I survived by sucking on ice and popsicles. For some reason, if it was frozen it was okay. regular liquids made me nauseaus.
   — YaYasMom

August 11, 2003
Welcome to the losing side.. I know exactly what your saying, Im 7 weeks out tom. and only this last week have really been getting all my fluids in.. It will get better in time but please try to get your fluids in, after 2 trips back to the hosp for dehydration and other problems i know it very important.. talk to you doc about some meds for nausea. best of luck to you
   — sandra L.

August 11, 2003
I felt the exact same way (I'm now 2+ weeks postop). However, you will feel even worse if you don't force yourself to drink. The only thing I like is the Boost High Protein vanilla - and basically take a sip every 5-10 minutes - you'll get the whole 4 ounces in that way in the hour. I started feeling REALLY bad and realized I wasn't having anything, so forced the protein drink and within a day I felt much, much better. For the gas, you could try the baby gas drops - they are supposed to help. Phazyme or something. You won't feel hungry or thirsty for a long time, you need to watch the clock and get yourself to take in what your body needs. I made up a little check list for my first week that helped me keep notes on how much protein, water, and my vitamins, etc. I was taking in. Another week or two and you will start to feel much better, but get those drinks down!
   — bethybb

August 11, 2003
Word of advice, I am 3.5 weeks post op, was doing good (I thought) and ended up in the emergency room this past Friday and just got out of the hospital on Sunday afternoon. Reason: Severe Dehydration. Force yourself to drink your water
   — DANNY C.

August 11, 2003
I just had to respond to this one before I left for work. I know of two young people on AMOS over the years I have been here who have died from not drinking. One actually died at her support group with a heart attack, which happens with dehydration. Please, please call your surgeon and make him see you, there could be so many reasons for your plight.
   — faybay

August 12, 2003
I know the feeling of not wanting to drink anything. As the previous posters said, make yourself drink. You may want to try walking a little or some movement to help releive that gassy-bloated feeling. I know that it is easier said than done. post-op 8-27-03 371/185
   — Jennifer E.

August 12, 2003
At your stage, I found that warm liquids were easier to drink than anything else. I kept a cup of beef broth by my side all day long. I had to heat it up constantly (hence, walking around the house more!LOL), but a teaspoon or two every 30 minutes was easier to get down than anything else. It soothed my tummy. The warm liquids still do that to me, and I am 20 months out now! Good Luck!
   — Sharon m. B.

August 18, 2003
I was released from the hospital on day 6 p.o. only after being able to get down 2 oz of water/ice an hour, passing gas and having a BM. Was this required of you before you came home? I am 12 days postop and at 5 days like you I did not feel like drinking anything significant. I knew I needed the water so I did ice chips instead. This helped to keep me hydrated until I could drink other things. Now at 12 days, things are better. I'm drinking 4 oz of clear liqid every hour, crystal light, sf iced tea made from scratch, some plain water and still taking in ice chips too. You don't want to get dehydrated this close to your surgery, you could become very sick. A week from now you will be doing so much better :)
   — mary ann T.

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