I was wondering if anyone has had

in the past ( the same feeling like when you stand up way to fast and need to catch yourself) I can get them sitting here typing or anytime. Well we figured out in the past that they were related to caffeine. Well now since surgery they have gotten worse and I haven't had any caffeine. Now also my hands and feet tingle at different times and it is driving me nuts!!!! So my surgeon told me to go to my PCP and get a referral to a neurologist. I was wondering if anyone else has this? If so what did they do? I had all my labs done yesterday and they said they would call if they were off. 6/27/03 down 38lbs!!    — horserider0146 (posted on August 1, 2003)

August 1, 2003
I sometimes get this when my blood sugar level is too high or too low...definately ask you PCP about that. If that's normal, definately see a neurologist...Gongrats on your weightloss!...Missy
   — Missy L.

August 1, 2003
While I think it's probably a good idea that you see a neurologist (as these symptoms are also concurrent with neuropathic problems), it could simply be that you are B-vitamin deficient. a B-1 (or Thiamine) deficiency can cause the same symptoms you describe. I'd suggest you take this online "test" to determine how close your symptoms are to this. (it's free and the results are confidential).
   — [Deactivated Member]

August 1, 2003
I have pseudotumor cerebri, which is fluid pressure on the brain. I also have the sensation to have to catch myself when I get up, especially if I get up too fast. Also, if I stretch, I get REALLY lightheaded and dizzy. I used to be on fluid pills that made my hands and feet tingle, and yes, that drove me nuts too! Pseudotumor Cerebri is caused from being overweight. This is my reason for gastric bypass. But I know how you feel and it's not a good feeling! I hope this helps!
   — sewanee98

August 1, 2003
Allana it could be several things. I too was having dizziness and tingling and I ended up being deficient in my iron and B12. Are you taking your vitamins religously? If you are you might want to supplement your iron which is what I do daily. Hope this helps darlin. Also, you are not that far out from surgery so it could just be the affects of low blood sugar and rapid weightloss. Could also be low blood pressure. God Bless
   — Egyptianeyesdiva

August 1, 2003
I started having tingling in my feet in May - I just thought it was my shoes, so I let it go for a while before I said anything to my surgeon. By then, it had progressed from tingling to just PAIN - I couldn't even sleep or eat it was so bad. After visits to a neurologist, my PCP, a chiropractor, and the ER, it turns out it was in fact a vitamin deficiency. I am now on thiamine shots every day for the next 2 weeks and Vit A, a B complex, E, magnesium and potassium in addition to my multivitamin. Don't wait as long as I did to get it checked - the sooner you find out the problem, the quicker you can get the proper treatment.
   — redheadtedd

August 1, 2003
Just a little tip...always get a copy of your labs every time. Most doctors will only look to see if everything is in the normal ranges, but if you check your labs yourself, you can watch for trends up or down, and catch any problems before they happen. You could be at the very bottom of a range, ready to drop off the charts, but your doc won't catch it because it's still in that "normal" range. In all fairness to the docs, they're just too busy to really study the labs, so we must do it ourselves. Some people even enter their results on a spreadsheet. I have my labs drawn at Quest Diagnostics, and I just sign a sheet stating that I'm to get a copy, too....very easy.
   — Leslie F.

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