Has anyone else had a pulmonary embolism?

I was 11 days post op when I was diagnosed w/a blood clot to my lungs. I am doing better now. I was wondering how many other people have gotten them? Does it affect your ability to exercise? How does it affect (or does it) your weight loss? Will I have long term health issues? Can I fly a plane for a 4-5 hour flight? I am currently on Coumadin and will be for the next 6 months. I get my blood thickness level checked very frequently and right now it is pretty thin. Thanks for your help!    — Sasha A. (posted on July 29, 2003)

July 29, 2003
I can only speak second-hand about an acquaintance who had blood clots in her lungs. She is about 2 months post op now and I believe she's still on blood thinners but she's also beginning to exercise (walk) again. She had to be very careful for a while since her blood was thinner, she didn't want to risk any cuts, etc. I think her weight loss wasn't stalled much and will probably pick up more now that she's walking. Don't know anything about long term issues or flying. Hopefully someone will have more info. I know this is fairly common.
   — antiques55

July 29, 2003
I had several pulmonary emboli and stayed in the hospital for almost a week! Since I have a blood clotting condition called lupus anticoagulant, I have to be on coumadin for the rest of my life. It hasn't affected my exercise routine or my weight loss. Just be careful of dangerous activities and if you fall or get bumped make sure you check it out. I was in an accident in Feb. and didn't think about going to the ER for a bump on my leg. It became a hematomo which isn't life threatening but just painful and I did have to lay low on exercise for a couple of weeks. I think walking is fine exercise and you shouldn't have any problems with that. Check with your doctor or pharmacist about the travel thing. Also, go to the coumadin website for more information. Good luck and don't worry, you'll be fine! JK
   — goldiekratz437

July 29, 2003
I have pulmonary hypertension and pulmonary embolisms are a great fear of mine. My Dr. has said that she will put me on blood thinners after surgery but that doesn't calm my fears. Can you please tell me what the symptoms were that made them diagnose you with pul. emb.? Any information that you can share with me will be greatly appreciated.
   — deborah B.

July 29, 2003
I would talk to your surgeon about having a Greenfield filter installed prior to surgery. THis will trap any clots and prevent them from hitting your lungs!
   — casek

July 29, 2003
I had multiple PEs several years ago following a broken leg. I spent 6 months on Coumadin with weekly blood checks. During those 6 months, my doc told me to avoid excessive of dark greens and to be careful with knives.<p>After that, I was just in the mindset of needing to move. Walking and moving around is great prevention. I flew to Europe with no difficulty. When in doubt, always check with your doctor.</p><p>A couple of weeks ago, I had an IVC (Inferior Vena Cava) filter put in to help reduce the risk of clots. My RNY will be this Thursday. </p><p>Good luck with your recovery.</p>
   — Rachel T.

July 29, 2003
Hi! I asked the original question about pulmonary embolism. I was on heparin shots twice a day after surgery to lower the risk. I was also walking 20 min 3 times a day to help prevent the blood clot. I thought I was doing all I could to prevent it.....guess not. For the gal who asked the symptoms, I had a very sharp pain in my shoulder and chest when I tried to breath. I mean a very sharp pain. I should have went to the ER since it happened in the middle of the night but I waited until morning and went to the dr. then. Also, very, very sharp pain in my chest when I tried to lay down.
   — Sasha A.

July 29, 2003
hey sasha, i am traveling down the same road as you. i got blood clots in my arms (very rare). i stayed a week in the hospital too. i had my open rny done on 6/11/03 and i was home from that for three days when i noticed this feverish lump on my upper left arm! so i called my nurse she said to switch out hot and cold packs, i did by the next day it was twice the size. i called my friend (shes a nurse),she said "GO to the er, you may have a blood clot" that scared me to death so i went. i will also be on thinners for 6 mo., if my blood is not normal at that time then it may be for life. i just started to go to the gym, it has not affected my loss, and not sure about the flying thing. but i am curious about how often you get your blood checked, i get mine checked every 2 weeks. i not sure if this is enough, in the hospital they were drawing 3 times a day. you can email me if you want. (((hugs))) tiff

August 1, 2003
I had PEs (multiple also) 7 weeks after my WLS. My only symptom was EXTREME shortness of breath. I couldn't walk even 5 steps without stopping to rest. I had no chest pain, no leg pain, no lumps, nothing to indicate it was blood clots. I was on my way to the airport to fly home (was in NYC on business) and my surgeon called me on my cell phone and told me to get to the hospital. I was in the hospital for 6 days on IV heparin, then on warfarin for 6 months after that. I'm off all blood thinners (was tested for genetic problems, don't have any) and have no symptoms or after affects. I was able to exercise within a week of getting home and only waited that long because I was so tired from being in the hospital. Docs think it was one or a combination of 4 possible risks (age, overweight, long plane flight, recent surgery). I've talked to my surgeon and a pulmonary specialist and both say I can fly, have additional surgery in the future, etc. Both recommend though (as did the cardiologist in the hospital) that any flight over an hour I should get up at least once per hour and walk the aisle as well as do ankle exercises while sitting in the seat. I also wear my TENS socks that I got during WLS whenever I fly. I feel fine now, down 132 lbs and I had lost 49 lbs at the time I had the PEs.
   — jutymo

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