How much hair have you lost?

I keep reading about hair loss and how it is inevitable. Can any post-ops tell me how much hair you lost? Was it just strands or did anyone lose enough to cause bald spots. My hair is one of the only things I like about my looks and this has me concerened. Thank you!    — beeda (posted on June 30, 2003)

June 30, 2003
so little it's totally not noticable. In fact I'm not sure I've lost more than I was regularly (cause we all lose a few hundred strands a day, anyway). 11 months out, down 165 pounds.
   — [Deactivated Member]

June 30, 2003
Unfortunately, I seem to be losing a lot of hair, especially in the shower in the mornings. I already have thin hair (runs in the family) for which I use Rogaine. Even though my hair is falling out, I still use the Rogaine in the hopes that it is keeping the heriditary hair loss in check. I seem to be losing hair evenly over my head, so I won't get any bald spots. The only consolation is that I understand that the hair I lose due to the surgery will start to grow back again, and it's only a temporary condition. In the meantime, I'm keeping it in a good cut and well conditioned so that what I do have left has some body and the illusion of fullness. Don't worry so much; keep in mind that this, too, shall pass. So many more wonderful things are coming your way that a little temporary hair loss is a small price to pay.
   — Vespa R.

July 1, 2003
I'm at just over five months out and started losing hair at about four months. I got so tired of looking down and seeing hair all over my desk and keyboard that I finally went and got a crew cut. I'll just maintain that till the hair grows back, around nine months-1 year p.o. from what I hear...
   — gamboge

July 1, 2003
i am 15 months post-op and i am still losing hair. i plan to get it cut tonight because it has became so thin. some people lose and some don't but i started losing about 3-4 months out. best of luck to you.
   — Tammy B.

July 1, 2003
I lost in volume abut 1/2 of my hair. It came out everyday by the handful when washing (double the next day if I skipped washing!) and then during the day in strands (strands everywhere!) I never lost enough in one spot to cause a bald spot. I lost all over. I started at 3 months and at 7 months (now) I think I am back to normal. The hair is growing back. I have baby hairs everywhere that are quite funny looking.

July 2, 2003
I have lost more than half my hair!!! Thank goodness I had a lot to begin with. Like the previous posters, my hair was one thing I really liked about myself. Even though I am down 101 pounds I still need to lose another 99 to reach my goal. So I feel fat and bald. On the other hand I feel fabulous. I am praying hard the hair loss with STOP! and I am drinking my water and doing the protien thing appropriately! I am sure we will all get our hair back, everyone is saying so.
   — twnie98

July 3, 2003
I also love my hair it was my best feature (in my mind at least). I started loosing at 3 months and at 7 1/2 months it has slowed down. I estimate that I have lost about half but like Lisa C. I see a lot of fuzzy new growth and I am looking forward to regrowing my hair.
   — sharon E.

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