When will it stop?!!!!!

I realize that some of us are just going to lose our hair. I am faithfull to my protein and vitamins and I am 5 1/2 so I basically eat like a average light eater would eat about 800-1200 cals. a day so I am sure I am getting plenty of nutrients. When is the hair going to stop falling out? Most people agree it starts at month 3 or 4 but how long does it last?    — Jennifer T. (posted on June 20, 2003)

June 19, 2003
I have heard it stops around 9 months..... I dont have personal knowlegde thats just what someone told me.
   — marcelle1070

June 19, 2003
My hair loss lasted about 3 months - despite the 60 plus grams of protein that I was getting in each day. My hair loss didn't start until month 5 and ran until the end of month 7...JR
   — John Rushton

June 19, 2003
hello i had rny 5/29 and when i saw my surgeon he advised i take biotin to stop hair loss and although im only 31/2 wks out it will help with the loss. they are not expensive i paid 5.99 for a bottle of 100 capsiles so good luck
   — Maureen A.

June 20, 2003
I lost for 7 months, starting at 4 mo out. The ONLY thing that minimized it for me was using Nioxin shampoo + cond. I faithfully used Biotin before surgery and after-no help, I faithfully took my vits- still no help. It seems just when you get worried you'll lose it all, it starts coming back. My is thicker than ever now at 3 yrs out. Hang in there it comes back.
   — ZZ S.

June 20, 2003
Looks like by consensus below, it's different for everybody. I started losing at 3 months (and by losing I mean LOSING- by the handful) It was frightening and depressing) I am at 7 months just a few days ago and it has slowed to a 'trickle' hee hee. But, it still has not stopped completely. The hair is now growing back and I have baby hairs everywhere on my head. My doc said forget about biotin, Rogaine or any of that stuff. It doesn’t work. You are paying for your lack of protein in months 1 2 and 3 as well as after effects of surgery & anesthesia. Good luck. Try not to freak out too much if it happens. It will stop eventually.

June 20, 2003
For most, it slows down or stops after 3 months. For an unlucky few, it can continue longer. It usually starts at about month 3. For me, it was clockwork, started at month 3, slowed at 6 months and by 7 months was growing back. Suggestions-get a short, cute doo and know that it will grow back and no one goes bald. Thin, yes, but bald, no.
   — Cindy R.

June 20, 2003
Hi! Mine started falling out before surgery! LOL! I am 18 months out, and my hair really started growing back in about six months ago... everyone is different, but staying true to your protien and vities is the most important. It will start growing when it is healthy enough to grow. I promise. This is from someone who had a RICH THICK pile of glorious hair five years ago, and at the time of my surgery, it barely covered my head. Now, it is about half of the thickness it was when it was at its best. So... don't fret... FRETTING can make your hair fall out! LOL! It is TRUE!! :~)
   — Sharon M. B.

June 21, 2003
I had problems with hair loss before, so I started using Nioxin (shampoo, conditioner and scalp therapy) and taking biotin as soon as I knew I would have surgery. I started losing hair at 3 months. I increased my protein to about 90 grams a day (beef jerky is a great source). I am now 5 months out. Although I'm still losing some hair, what's left is very thick. When I went for a haircut about 3 weeks ago, my hairdresser of 10 years said she wouldn't have known I was losing hair-- it was as thick as she's ever seen it. I'm curious to see what I'll look like when I stop losing hair!
   — Beth S.

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