Could this be an ulcer?

At 9 weeks post-op I frequently have terrible hunger pains--often after eating a meal. It is like a gnawing in my stomach when I know I shouldn't be hungry. Today, after after a few bites of a turkey burger (plain) and watermelon, I had severe pains that were like hunger pains. I shouldn't have been hungry. Could it be an ulcer? Thanks    — Margaret S. (posted on June 8, 2003)

June 7, 2003
I want to add that at 4 weeks post op the surgeon let me go back on the Vioxx I had been taking for severe arthritic pain in my knee that was interfering with walking. She told me to continue on the Protonix as long as I take the Vioxx.
   — Margaret S.

June 8, 2003
I don't know if you have an ulcer or not and it's not a bad idea to discuss this with your doctor...however, when I was about 6 weeks out I experienced something similar (felt like hunger pains) and when I mentioned that to someone else, they said that their surgeon told them that it was not uncommon for the unused portion of our stomach to kind of rebel against the lack of food and rumble and cause hunger pains. So if it's not an ulcer, that could be the culprit. Best of luck to you!
   — [Deactivated Member]

June 8, 2003
I had your symptoms at 4 wks and I did call the dr's office. They were no help. at 10 weeks I had an endoscopy and diagnosed with a marginal ulcer, given meds and sent home. At 6 mos. I had 4 blood transfusions and 5 days in the hospital because one ulcer had turned into multiple bleeding ulcers. The point? The your own advocate! I was so sick and I let the dr's office keep blowing me off. I knew something was wrong. I knew I didn't feel right. I almost died because of I didn't stand up for myself. Hopefully, you have a better suregeon than I did!
   — Kristi T.

June 9, 2003
I agree with Kristi - don't let them blow you off. My husband was about 4 weeks post op when he started having some pain, a lot of dry heaves and was able to keep less and less food down. He called the office first thing Monday morning and got the "some nausea is to be expected, sit up straight when you eat, blah, blah, blah" routine. Luckily, I had an appointment with the surgeon the next day, so my husband went along with me. He told him his symptoms and he thought he needed to be scoped. They found an abraided area near the anastamosis and when he cleaned it up, it was still oozing blood. He had to stay overnight in the hosptial, got some IV and po meds and felt much, much better. He has healed up, but don't let them blow you off and wind up like Kristi! I don't know what would have happened had I not had that appointment with the surgeon the next day. He probably would have wound up in the ER.
   — koogy

June 9, 2003
From my experience ulcers do not feel like hunger pains. And ulcers usually feel better with food. However I do agree you should talk to you doctor about ANY and ALL discomfort and pain that you experience.
   — RebeccaP

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