Has anyone had adhesions after lap RNY around the lower left incision?

I had a lap RNY three weeks ago and am doing great with my weight loss (29 pounds so far), and have healed up except for a deep pucker where the left lower incision was. It pulls and hurts when I bend over or exercise much. I feel like an adhesion has formed there. Has anyone else had this happen and did you have to return to surgery to free the area up?    — Jenny J. (posted on June 1, 2003)

June 1, 2003
Jenny, I am also about 2.5 weeks post op and we are neck and neck with weight loss. I am also having pain and the same symptoms you describe on the left side. I called the doctor and they said that is pretty common, and it is from muscle trauma, and would heal on it's own, however it might feel worse before it feels better. Hope this helps and congrats on your weight loss.
   — Happy I.

June 1, 2003
Hi. I had LAP RnY on May 5th (down 23lbs!). I was afraid that I had an adhesion there, too. It sinks in much deeper than the right side and pulls more. My doctor also said it was normal and just due to the trauma there. I had also been having alot of pain there...constant achy pain. He said that is was muscle and, like the last poster said, will get worse before better. It's like if you have a bad back...if you rest it you feel ok, if you move around it feels worse. Well we're SUPPOSED to be moving around, that's why it hurts so much. From what I've heard from others, the pain just magically disappears around 5-6 weeks out.
   — Patricia G.

June 1, 2003
They do go away with time... the pain and the "sunken" look from tissue damage. I'm fifteen months out and went through the same thing you all are going through. It gets lots better after about six weeks, (I was RNY Lap), and the more you exercise, the better it gets. Don't push it too hard right now, though. Let yourself heal. I still get an occasional stitch in my side when I am tired or have overworked my muscle there... but nothing like you feel right now. :~) Cheer up, it all gets better, it'll be all right!
   — Sharon M. B.

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