Has any insurance company requested pictures and does an edoscopy hurt?

I have 2 questions. My insurance company requests pictures when the doctor submits a request for surgery Is this unusual? He told me to just take them and bring them in but I have never heard any on this site mention it. Also the next question is a common one I'm sure. I am going to have an endoscopy am I going to feel any pain? Thank U all for your help and support you are the best!!!    — kumuat (posted on May 21, 2003)

May 21, 2003
I don't know anything about the pictures, but I had an endoscopy and it was a piece of cake. They give you something to put you to sleep and when you wake up a short time later, it's done!!! My throat didn't even hurt. Good luck.
   — beach

May 22, 2003
Endoscopy is a breeze. The way the nurse explained it to me was that they give you meds to relax you but you don't actually loose consciousness. All I remember is that I was waking up in recovery. Didn't feel any pain, don't remember any discomfort.
   — aprilbaree

May 22, 2003
My insur co. did not request photos but I have heard of insur co.s that do. (I can't recall the names of any of them.) I've had two endoscopies and as you've already read, you are sedated. When I had mine, they used a drug called Versed which makes you amnesiac (you won't remember anything anyway.)
   — Lisa I.

May 22, 2003
No, they give you medication before they begin, and my only memory of the whole process was them telling me to stop biting on the tube as they were pulling it out. I worried so much for nothing!!!
   — MaryEllen OntheEastCoast

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