Should I or shouldn't I?

I wanted to ask your opinions on something. I know it is my decision but would like some input from some of you. Here is the story. I decided on the bypass. During preop upper GI they discoverd a mass in the lower part of my stomach where it meets the intestine. It has been biopsied now twice and found benign. It is kind of growing like endometrosis (sp). The doctor said that if they did the bypass they would have to actually remove half of the stomach and a few inches of small intestine. This is because they couldn't monitor or biopsy it because it would be sealed off in the bypass. They can't leave it because it could become malignant later. Very small chance but still there. I wasn't sure about this so they submitted for the lap band but it has been denied three times. I have to do something as I can't stand feeling the way I do now with the weight on. I know with the bypass you will never use that part of the stomach or the intestine again but there is always the slight chance that you may need it reversed and I wouldn't be able to. Anyway, what would you guys do? Would you have the bypass? Thanks and once again I know it is a decision between me and my surgeon but want your opinions. Linda    — lindadougherty (posted on May 11, 2003)

May 10, 2003
Wow, what a tough decision! I think that I would go for the RNY. If you weigh all the risks and benefits of the procedure vs not having it done, it probably comes out in favor of getting the wls. You may end up some day having that portion of your stomach removed anyway if the lump becomes malignant. The chances of needing a reversal are probably so much smaller than the chances of more health problems due to obesity. Good luck to you!
   — [Deactivated Member]

May 11, 2003
If I could I would self pay the lap-band. But I would throughly discuss this with my surgeon. Boy this is a hard one!! Good Lux
   — Robert L.

May 11, 2003
This is only my opinion, which is not worth much since I don't have a problem. I have always felt that I would not leave such a mass and wait for it to turn malignant. I believe that by the time it is diagnosed, the cells could cause it to spread. When I had a hysterectomy, the doc said you can have surgery now or wait until you hemorage and come in through emergency and have it done at a higher risk. People tried to talk me out of it, but I had the surgery and very happy I did.
   — faybay

May 11, 2003
I would think of it like this. If you have the band, and have to have that portion of your stomach removed later anyway, you had the band for no reason. I mean, if you WANT the rny, and you're approved for it, then you are 1. getting what you wanted and 2. taking care of this before it becomes a problem. Later on, if this were to become a problem, you would STILL have to have it removed, yanno? So, you'd just be prolonging your worry instead of getting rid of the problem. But, that's just my opinion. :)
   — Diana L.

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