Please help phych eval in two hours

My eval is in two hours today...........Can anyone give me any advice thanks so much Mary    — Mary K. (posted on May 5, 2003)

May 5, 2003
Just be honest with your answers to the questions.
   — chirsw

May 5, 2003
Mary: There's not much you can "prepare" for when you go to these. The pshyhiatrist needs to determine whether or not you're mentally prepared for the life changes that this surgery brings on. Plus, they delve into your childhood a little, looking for a history of physical/sexual abuse and such. They try to gauge whether or not you're a good candidate for this surgery and if you are the type of person who can follow-through afterwards (not sabotage your new tool). Be confident, state facts, and tell him/her confidently why you think you are a good candidate, and what things in your life you're already changing to prepare for your new life....Best of luck to you!! ***Amy LAP RNY 04-09-03
   — Amy A.

May 5, 2003
Just be honest. They are looking to see if you are mentally prepared and understand the remifications of the procedure. GOOD LUCK, you'll be fine!! :-) Michelle
   — Michelle C.

May 5, 2003
The psychologist wants to know if you have magical thinking. That is, do you think that because you will be thinner that you will automatically be happier, richer, more loved and all your problems will evaporate? She wants to find you realistic about your expectations. She wants to know that you are committed to doing your part, rather than thinking you can skate your way down to skinny and break all the rules. She wants to know that you have thought out this out, you have a good idea of what to expect, that you know the negatives as well as the positives. Good luck.
   — Bobbi G.

May 5, 2003
My psyche didn't delve anywhere. He asked medical questions about when I started gaining weight and what medical problems I have as a result. He mainly wanted to know that I'm aware of the work it will take to coordinate meals to get enough nutrition. I did take the MMPI-2, but there was no talk of abuse or any childhood issues. He did ask me if I've ever been hospitalized for a psychological related reason. Took all of 15 minutes. (And the time for the MMPI). Good luck to you. I think you'll find you had nothing to worry about. Kimberly
   — Kimberly S.

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