Did anyone cry while nurses were preparing you for surgery?

I am afraid I will start crying while getting prepared to be taken into the surgery room. Did anyone else cry? Or am I a big bawling baby? Thanks, surgery in 14 days.    — Maggie M. (posted on April 29, 2003)

April 28, 2003
Diane G. I too cried. It is a scary thing when you think that MAYBE this will be the last time you see someone on this earth. But God is faithful. He will see you to the other side. Have a safe journey.
   — Jazi in N FL W.

April 28, 2003
I cried while they were getting me ready. The nurse asked me what was wrong, and I told her that I was scared - I just wanted to see my little baby again. (He was 14 months old.) I was scared that something would happen to me on the operating table, and I wouldn't see him again. She hugged me and reassured me that I was with one of the best surgeons in the state, and she was right!
   — raye

April 28, 2003
I didn't cry, but I started shaking like a leaf. The nurses assumed I was cold, but I was just plain scared! Everyone is, and shows it one way or another. Don't even worry about that part!
   — AmyL

April 28, 2003
I guess I was too excited to get upset, plus so much was going on that I did'nt have time to think about it. When I woke up.....tears, tears, tears! I asked to be put back under lol Don't worry about it, you will do fine :o) Good luck hun!
   — Sandy M.

April 28, 2003
YES!! As soon as they made my boyfriend leave the room, I broke down...thinking it could be the last time I see him. I felt so stupid, but my anesthesiologist and nurses were awesome. Especially the anesthesiologist...he said, "Don't worry, I'm about to give you a cocktail that will make you forget all about this crying!" He was so sweet!! And he was right....I don't remember a thing at all after that until I woke up in recovery. Don't worry about it, it's only natural to feel scared at that time. GOOD LUCK!!!
   — Teresa W.

April 28, 2003
I didnt cry, but I sure was nervous. I was shaking like a leaf and I could feel my heart pounding real hard, plus my blood pressure shot way up too. Right before they took me to the OR they gave me some stuff through my IV to relax me called Versed. That stuff will knock you out! I dont even remember going to the OR, they gave me that stuff and the next thing I know I was in recovery. Maybe they can give you something to relax you before you go in. Good luck with your surgery!
   — Kris T.

April 29, 2003
Cry? Oh, yes. And shake, too. And I kept telling everyone/anyone that I was so scared, so scared. I'm sure they've seen it all, including patients who've gotten off the gurney and refused surgery Go ahead and cry; it helps get through those last moments before they slip you their version of a Micky Finn. Nina in Maine
   — [Deactivated Member]

April 29, 2003
When I first got into my room and the nurse was doing the IV's and other prep I didn't cry but I threw up I was so scared. Then just before going into the OR. I cried then
   — Christine A.

April 29, 2003
Hi, Diane. You are NOT a big bawling baby!! There was so much going on preparing me for surgery that I didn't get a chance to cry UNTIL I was on the operating table just before they put me under. All of a sudden everything got a little quiet and it gave me a chance to think and that's all it took. Tears started rolling down my cheeks. Both the nurse and my surgeon patted me on the shoulder and told me everything would be all right. The next thing I knew, I was in recovery and the surgical nurse was telling me it was all over and everything went great. That was two weeks ago and she was right--everything has been great!! Good luck to you.--Julie
   — Julia T.

April 29, 2003
Everyone reacts differently to the last moment situation. I had a bizarre reaction to say the least. If you read my profile, I was very worried before the surgery. At the hospital, I was eerily calm. I was laughing and joking with the nurses. My husband was waiting in the wrong place and I didn't even see him before I went into the O.R. I was calm and happy. I didn't get any "happy" drugs at all preop. We all react differently and handle the stress in our own way. I was SURE I'd flip out in the preop area. Know that the staff has seen it all before and your reaction is not going to be something they haven't dealt with many times. I wish you the best journey.
   — Kate G.

April 29, 2003
I wanted to cry but I felt I had to be brave for my Mom and Dad. On the way to the hospital, my Dad tried to talk me out of the surgery because he was so worried about me. They were with me until the nurse took me back to the "holding pen" where they put in the IV and something to relax me, I thought I would let it all out there out of view of my parents but I didnt have a chance. Things moved so fast I didnt have time to cry. I wanted to back out but the drugs kicked in and I was out. When I woke up, I told the nurse I didnt want to do it and she told me it was done. I had to look down my gown to make sure! I said well ok then and went back to sleep. Your feelings are normal so if you want to cry, cry. Get it all out. Just think about what a great outcome you will have. Good luck and best wishes to you. Sidney Open RNY 10-23-02 down 80+
   — Siddy I.

April 29, 2003
I did cry. I didn't think I was scared of having surgery but I guess it all was inside and came out. I started crying after the nurse spent 15 minutes trying to get an iv in me then went to my other arm to take blood. I immediately started crying and she asked if she hurt me. I told her no but I hated getting my blood taken. After that outburst I was fine. Guess I needed that. The nurses and everyone else that deals with you are very understanding and will try to help you in any way they can.
   — Dee ,.

April 29, 2003
Your question really touched me, because I was pretty scared going in, too. I found that I was crying as much out of "fear of the unknown", as out of gratitude for having been given this incredible opportunity. Remember, pre-op nurses are a special breed - they know what to look for, and have a wonderful way of making you feel safe and protected. This is not only a life SAVING operation, but life AFFIRMING as well. Go ahead and cry those tears of fear, but realize that some of them are tears of JOY as well! All the best to you! (PS, I'm 18 days post-op, down 20 lbs., and left the hospital after 48 hours completely off all pain meds - YOU'LL BE FINE!!!) :)
   — momstah

April 29, 2003
I was fine until the nurse came to take me to surgery, I started crying and everyone with me started to cry, they all hugged me and tried to scoot out as quickly as possible. But after we headed down the hall to OR, it was like God put his hand on my shoulder and I knew it would all be OK.....
   — csmurphy67

April 29, 2003
If it gets bad, just ask for something to calm you. My surgery was at 8:00 am and my doctor admits you the day before, so I had my happy pills as soon as I woke up :) I do not remember much after that.
   — Marcy S.

April 29, 2003
Hi Diane. Don't feel like a big baby. This is a life changing event and is very scary. I cried my eyes out. But the nurses were very supportive. My biggest fear was being rolled down to the operation room. I thought I would just jump right off the table. However, I was given something in my IV before being rolled off and didn't remember a thing until I woke up. Thank goodness for the knock out meds, huh! Good Luck and GOD Bless! Open RNY 03/24/03 26 lbs.
   — Steph P.

April 29, 2003
Hi ! Thanks so much for posting this question ! I have been thinking about the same thing, especially since I tear up just thinking about the day of surgery. We have the same surgery date! If you would like to e-mail me privatly I would love to compare our stats and keep up with each other on our journey! Good luck and I will keep you in my prayers Lindsay [email protected]
   — Lindsay F.

April 29, 2003
Hi Diane, I did fine until I was in the holding room ready to go in and then I looked at my family and lost it. The nurse told the doctor I needed a little happy juice and the next thing I remember is waking up in recovery. Good luck to you and don't worry if you cry.
   — Gigi D.

May 2, 2003
I cried off and on for about a week before the surgery. As brave as I tried to pretend to be, I was still scared. The day of surgery, I was fine until it was just me and my husband in the pre-op holding area with the nurse. Then, as I was trying to find a Kleenex to wipe the tears away, the anesthesiologist came in and said he was going to help me relax as they rolled me into surgery, and that was the last thing I remember until I woke up after the surgery! You'll be experiencing a lot of feelings before, during, and's normal. Just let yourself experience them. Good luck and I'll keep you in my prayers for a quick and uneventful surgery.
   — lezawomack

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