I am 3 weeks pre-op an so depressed. Anyone else expereince this?

   — Sharon B. (posted on April 21, 2003)

April 21, 2003
Hello Sharon, I too am 3 weeks post-op (surgery 4/2/03). I am also a litle depressed, I am questioning everything about doing this. What was I thinking? What if it doesn't work? What if I opened up the door for worse physical problems than what I had before? I am scared. I was warned before hand that I would probably have a few weeks of depression after the surgery. They said it was normal. If you would like to be "buddies" to get over this hump, my e-mail adress is [email protected]. Maybe we can help each other sort out all this. Hang in there!Pami
   — Pamela S.

April 21, 2003
I am 2-weeks post op and slightly depressed as well. This was a huge life change, everything is different! I think it's normal.
   — Kim L.

April 21, 2003
3 weeks PRE-OP? Well, I'm not quite 2 weeks pre-op and I couldn't begin to name all of my emotions right now. I'm definitely more irritable (and that's pretty bad anyway!) and I'm feeling blue over Easter (just a little bit) but what a huge life-altering change that I'm running straight into - and I'm willing to pay big bucks to do it! How do you ever know when you are making the right decision? I am not and cannot go back on my decision - I would hate myself forever if I don't go forward with this surgery. Not only must I go forward with this surgery (with God's graces and everyone else's), but I must go forward intelligently and with respect for my body. I think that my personal let down is geared towards 'letting go'. By this, I mean, letting go of my perpetual 'youth' - I felt this same way when I stopped smoking. I felt so old afterwards and so mature - and NOT in a good way. Young, carefree individuals don't have to stop smoking and don't have to lose weight. Now, I write this knowing that I spent my ENTIRE lifetime (starting at 9 years old) trying to lose weight. I have not spent my lifetime choosing the right food groups or maintaining weight - ONLY LOSING! No wonder that I spent even more time gaining weight. Anyway, I think that depression, as long as it is not life threatening, is normal in our situation. Some good support would be of true help to you - like this wonderful website. Is there maybe a Overeater's Anonymous group by you? Perhaps this would be a resource for you. Whatever is the case, emotions should be a bit on the wild side right now. The countdown is on and, good or bad, I'm going forward, .... over to the healthier and lower weight side of this whole situation. Good luck to you on this journey. I know that I need it! :) Jodie
   — Jodie P.

April 21, 2003
I'm 5-1/2 weeks post-op and also experiencing depression. I understand this is fairly typical post-op, so hang in there! This too shall pass! Many blessings - Robin
   — rebalspirit

April 21, 2003
It is very normal to feel depressed before and after teh surgery. I wasn't that depressed as I was angry that I had let myself get to this point in my life, that I would need surgery to correct what I couldn't control. I am 3 months post-op now, and am very happy with my decision. I don't beat myself up for it anymore, I am changing things for the better. You are getting ready to make alot of changes (for teh better), and it won't be easy, but it will be worth it. Cheer up, think positively. GOOD LUCK ~ Sandy
   — Sandy H.

April 22, 2003
Yes, It is very normal to feel depressed. I went through this very same thing. Thank GOD for good Christian women who encouraged me and assured me, I was doing well. They also told me to keep up the walking. Whatever you do, DO NOT lay around. This is one of the keys to a quick recovery. I did this in my home at least 3 times per day. So, remember to keep up the walking. Despite popular belief, it does promote healing. As much as I didn't want to do it, it really did help me heal and helped me get moving much faster. Take good care and keep walking. Blessings, Felicia
   — Felicia C.

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