I just fund out today that medicade is only gonna pay or me to be in hosp for 3 days

Iam scared i will not be ready to go home in 3 days my reg INC does not pay for WLS but i dont know if it will pay for me to be in hosp or not does any one know if medicade will pa for longer or not if you need it?    — wildbrat (posted on March 25, 2003)

March 25, 2003
Hi, Kim, I had surgery last Tuesday, was supposed to home on Friday or Saturday. I felt great on Thursday and asked Dr. if I could go home, sure! he said. The next dr. came in to take out my drain and said, it's great you're going home, some people want to stay in the hospital. Going home is always better, you made the right choice. And I did. I never looked back. Suggestion: Next day after surgery, get OUT of bed. Stay out of bed. Walk walk walk...pace those hallways. Don't get back in bed. The bed sucks anyway. You'll gain your strength in no time. Best of luck!
   — msmaryk

March 25, 2003
Don't count on your other insurance paying for a hospital stay for a procedure they don't cover. Also, 3 days should be plenty of time in the hospital, but (God forbid) there was a complication or something, the hospital and doctor could get your hospital stay extended. Don't worry about it, you'll do FINE!! You'll be READY to go home by the 2nd day, you'll see! Good luck to you!!<br> Lap-RNY 1/13/03 -83lbs & Counting!
   — thumpiez

March 25, 2003
Get uop and WALK the day of surgery. You will heal faster feel better and significantly reduce the risk of blood clots. My surgeon LAOP patients get out in 1.5 days if they are ding oK/
   — bob-haller

March 25, 2003
Most insurance approve a certain number of days. If the doctor determines reasons for more time, they just call the insurance company. Nothing to worry about here, it is the way it is done.
   — faybay

March 25, 2003
You shouldn't worry about that at all. I am on medicade and they only gave a few days also. Well I had to stay longer, I was in for 11 days. I recieved a letter informing me that they the hosp and in was in disagreement in whose ging to pay for the extra days. (THEY MADE IT KNOWN TO ME THAT I WASN"T RESPONSALBE FOR IT. AND NO MONEY WILL COME OUT OF MY POCKET. Thank God !! So don't worry about it. No one can foresee the future, that there may be a reason why you need to stay longer.
   — Naes Wls J.

March 25, 2003
I work for a self-insured company and 3 days is the "industry" standard. The vast majority of cases I have seen go home in three days or two days, only once did someone stay 4 days after an open RNY. I went home in 2 days after lap RNY. Like the others said: Get up and move as soon as you can. They got me up in the morning the day after surgery for my leak test, and I didn't get back in bed until midnight that night! Stayed out of bed the next day and went home. You will be fine as long as you take that advice!
   — koogy

March 26, 2003
Medicaid will pay for more days if it's medically necessary. The doc won't let you go home if you are unable. As long as he thinks you need to be in there, he will get more days approved. Don't worry about it let the doc worry about it.
   — Kimmie C.

March 26, 2003
Hello. Don't worry. They have to provide guidelines. I was approved for 3 days. I went in on a Wednesday and was to be discarged on Friday. Ended up, I couldn't PEE and had to stay until Saturday. Insurances considered that to be a legitimate reason.
   — April S.

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