If your plan doesn't cover a tt, can you get around that or appeal, or is it final??

My plan is United health Care PPO. The plan doesn't cover tt or breast reduction. I was approved very quickly for wls. I wonder if its certified by a physician that its medically needed, will the UHC pay for it???    — yh1401 (posted on February 23, 2003)

February 23, 2003
UHC covered my breast reduction with no problems. I would find a plastic surgeon willing to fight insurance for you. Good Luck!!
   — Stephanie B.

February 23, 2003
They are all different but I'm sure that they all have a way around them. If you have this fold of skin on top of another, for sure you get heat soars (which can become infected and get worst), pain and discomfort. There has to be a way to prove that this is not good. I have Aetna PPO and their policy is that they will cover a tt (of course you can never call it this to them)if your abdominal skin is over pubic line and or if you get soars, you need to have them treated for 3 months and if they dont go away they will cover it. Because it's necessary. Hope to have helped some... *_*
   — Dayanara A.

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