Will I be able to party 10 days before my surgery?

My friends have planned a 30th birthday party for me and I just found out it is 3 days before my pre-op testing and 9 days before my surgery. Will I be able to drink or smoke at this party? I usually don't drink at all and I am a "social" smoker only, but I was planning to "party down". Is that now out of the question?    — Jamie R. (posted on February 13, 2003)

February 13, 2003
I don't know about the drinking part, but I know about the smoking . . . my surgeon won't even operate if I've smoked within 6 weeks of surgery. It increases your chance of lung complications during and after surgery.
   — snohflake

February 13, 2003
My Dr. said no alcohol for 2 weeks prior to surgery, It affects your liver bigtime. I am not a drinker anyways , but several years ago I went on a cruise and drank some... when I came back and went to donate blood my liver enzymes were very high from 1 week of 3 or 4 drinks an evening.
   — **willow**

February 13, 2003
I too Had to quit before my surgery, they requested it and saw to it that i hadn't. I haven't smoked since then and its been about a year. I guess you just hafta make sacrfices. After 10 yrs of smoking, the surgery was my motovation to quit. I never asked why, but i did it.
   — jennifer O.

February 13, 2003
Hi there, your fine. I smoked up until the day before my surgery. And drinking shouldn't be a problem either. Its your birthday and you wont really be able to do it afterwards. I'm not gonna sugar coat anything, do what you want. I'll probably get some negative responses from this, but everyone has their own opinion!
   — Karen W.

February 13, 2003
If you're just a social smoker, I don't see how having a few 9 days before surgery could hurt. As long as it stops there. As far as drinking, I doubt its possible to do liver damage from one night of drinking, as long as you dont go overboard with it. If you get really drunk, tell the pre-op testing people about it in case anything shows up weird on your bloodwork so they'll know ahead of time. Have a Happy Birthday!
   — Monica H.

February 13, 2003
My doctor told me that I could drink Tequila Sunrises up to 2 days before my surgery. As long as I didn't drink it on the day before when I was on clear liquids. But, he did say that Vodka was clear, and I could drink that the day before. Just ask your doctor. Each recommends differently. Smoking? No clue. Good luck and have a blast! Drink now, because you will be a cheap date afterwards. :~)
   — [Deactivated Member]

February 13, 2003
I understand you wanting to "party down" but, do you really think it's worth the risk of not being able to have the surgery? Just my 2 cents worth. Have you posed this question to your surgeon? Good luck.
   — KellyJeanB

February 13, 2003
Go for it girl! And have a Very Happy Birthday!! THE BEST IS YET TO COME...DIANE
   — DianeN

February 13, 2003
The fact that you're asking tells me that you're probably NOT an abuser of alchohol or cigarettes. It seems trivial to me that you should worry about losing your surgery date over one birthday party. That is just plain silly. There are plenty of ways to flush the alchohol out of your system within a day or two, so don't even worry! One night of regular smoking will only effect you the next day, as long as you don't do it more. I say HAVE A GOOD TIME!
   — toolio

February 13, 2003
Hi Jamie, I was at a wedding on a Saturday and my surgery was 3 days later on a Tuesday, and let me tell you it was my last hurrahh!!! I agree with one of the other posters that you don't have a drinking problem if you are asking and if you are a social smoker and its only for that night you should be ok. Have a WONDERFUL BIRTHDAY, 30 is a milestone, but think about how good you are going to look and feel at next years b-day! Best wishes to you!
   — Michele M.

February 13, 2003
Jaime, I have to agree, no liquir 2 wks prior, you don't want to chance a cancellation or a complication, whats the point?
   — heathercross

February 13, 2003
OK, I'm probably going to get flack for this, however...& I'm not saying you SHOULD do this, I had a couple drinks & smoked cigarettes & weed the night before surgery. In addition, I drank lots of water & stopped everything after midnight. My surgeon was aware I smoked cigarettes & drank occasionally, & he had no issues with this. I told the nurses & made sure they put that in my notes so everyone was aware of what was in my system. No problems for me. I was out of an Open RNY in two days. Ask your surgeon, just explain what you're thinking about doing. They'll either OK it or not.
   — LionGirl2k

February 13, 2003
Go for it! I had a few "last" night outs before my surgery and I turned out fine. Happy Birthday! Best wishes on your journey!
   — kb0lqx

February 13, 2003
Go out, enjoy yourself and HAVE A TERIFFIC 30th BIRTHDAY! :) I don't remember, but I probably partied quite hard the weekend before my Thrusday surgery. No problems for me. Nine days pre-op? Don't worry about it.
   — PaulaM

February 13, 2003
I went out the weekend before my surgery and I had a few drinks (not drunk). I even told the nurse in my pre-op check-in and she said that it was ok - had surgery with no complications - have a happy birthday!
   — Toni C.

February 13, 2003
Smoking leads to slower healing and leaks, as well as respiratory troubles. So you were warned. <P> AMOS MOD COMMENT. Please dont mention illegal drugs anywhere on our site as it violates our TOS.
   — bob-haller

February 15, 2003
Back again - just need to add that continuous smoking before, during, and after recovery will effect your healing time and possibly cause complications in your new pouch. A few cigs on one night, several days before your surgery WILL NOT. Don't let anyone scare you!! Call your doc's office if you need reassurance. HAVE FUN!!
   — toolio

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