To pre-ops worried about death from surgery. Here's my experience:

Five days before I had my surgery one of my co-workers who had surgery DIED. It freaked me out. I had just talked to her a few days before. Well, I didn't panic, and instead decided that my body and hers were quite different. We are ALL individuals. Anyway, the morning of surgery, the surgical nurse/assistant came out and we had a LONG conversation and I told her how scared I was, that I knew all about the girl who died and yet, I was still there. I also talked to the surgeon, the nurse at the office, the nutritionist, as well as the girl who died's best friend. So far, I am doing fine and I have learned something from her death, so here is her advice: take your vitamins keep in touch with your GP or Primary Doc. Stay on top of your lab work listen to your body, it will tell you when something is wrong eat your protein get your exercise It sounds so simple, doesn't it.--Jen, RnY 11/12/02 IN MEMORY OF "L"    — Mrs. Rich (posted on January 23, 2003)

January 23, 2003
Jen, thanks for the reminder. I only had one moment where I sort of balked at having surgery, but I have sure read a lot of posts where others spoke of their fear. Since I haven't had surgery yet, I may still have moments!
   — Kendra S.

January 23, 2003
Here's my experience.. I had the sister of a patient of my surgeon email me one week before surgery telling me that her siter died of a drastic unneccessary death at the hands of her (our) surgeon. I wigged out!!! but then I had to get everything in perspective. I called my surgeon and talked to him about it and found out that she weighed a great deal more than me and had health problems. I tried not to let it affect me and realized that we were both two different people with different health issues. I went ahead with my surgery and couldn't be more pleased. I am more than 2 years post op and I would recommend my surgeon to ANYONE!! Try not to let it bumm you out. Everyone is different!! Good luck,
   — enjo4

January 23, 2003
Weeks before my surgery an AMOS friend died 3mths after her surgery, I was terrified, I attended her funeral and signed the book, 'From your AMOS Friends' her death was NOT a result of the surgery but from a massive heart attack from carrying the excess weight all those years. Debra Howeth touched alot of people's lives and was a wonderful person and christian. In loving memory. Lisa Werblow Surgery date 7/26/2002 down 101lbs
   — Lisa W.

January 23, 2003
I will add one. If you think your really ill INSISYT on being seen by your surgeon or go to the ER. <P> Another is get up and walking immediately after surgery. Blood lots are the biggest killer and walking largely prevents them.
   — bob-haller

January 23, 2003
Thank you to everyone for posting your comments on this very sensitive subject. I only have 13 days until my surgery and I have had last minute fears/concerns. So, from a soon to be post-op, you have my heartfelt thanks!
   — Teresa W.

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