Drains, g-tubes, etc......

Just curious about something. I am having lap RNY in a couple of weeks and have heard others mention coming home with drains, g-tubes, etc. How common are they when you have lap rny. Thanks!    — lindadougherty (posted on January 16, 2003)

January 16, 2003
I had lap (for my first surgery) and had no tubes at all. I don't think I had any for my second surgery, which was open. You can see my profile for details.
   — garw

January 16, 2003
My surgeon leaves in a drain that needs to be emptied twice a day. They remove it on your first post-op visit, which is usually about 10 days afterwards. I would prefer not to have a drain but that's their procedure and they do have a reason for it so I'll live with it. Ask your surgeon what you can expect to come home with. Good luck!
   — Dee ,.

January 16, 2003
There are now five of us in my family who have had completely uncomplicated lap RNY surgeries. None of us had any tubes or drains post-op. For the most part, this is a surgeon preference. Be sure to ask you surgeon at your pre-op visit what to expect when you wake up after surgery. That way there won't be any "surprises". Best wishes!
   — Diana T.

January 16, 2003
I had one drain tube after my lap rny. But it was taken out on the day that I came home. One of my nurses pinned the tube to my gown so that it wasn't just flopping in the wind. It didn't hurt coming out, it felt someone was tickling me from the inside. Take care!
   — Michelle B.

January 17, 2003
I had lap rny on 12-27-02. I came home four days later with a Jackson- Pratt drain tube, which I kept until my two week post op visit. The pain of the removal was quickly over but worse than the surgery itself, childbirth or any other pain I had ever experienced. If it had not been almost instant I would fainted dead away. Nut another post said they had no pain. Every experience is different. Ask you Doc before hand. Good Luck!!
   — kim C.

January 17, 2003
I had surgery on the 7th and just had my JP drain out today so the memory is fresh. It felt like a swooshy pop when it came out. My tummy is a little sore and beat up and it was a bit of a jolt but nothing major. Everyone is different.
   — susanje

January 17, 2003
OH yeah, the JP drain. Take a large safety pin to the hospital just in case. I had to have one because of an early leak. I just kept it pinned to my pants or underwear. I had to empty it and measure when I went home. Mine was taken out in 5 days. And like another poster said, I almost fainted from the feeling. I also got really nauseous. The nurse said it was only about six inches long but that was only the tubing. On the end was a long(7 inches at least) hard plastic piece. It felt as if someone had reached inside my chest and punched my heart. If I could do it over, I would make them give me something to relax. I am not trying to scare anyone. I understand everyone is different. I told the doctor that it was the worst part of the whole surgery. Just my experience. Lap RNY 11/20/02 -49lbs. Definitely, would do it again!
   — Melinda_AL

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