I need exact Fee for Surgery Self Pay under 20,000

I want to help someone obtain WLS surgery. It will have to be self pay because she cannot get surgery I am willing to pay for her to travel and we just need to find a surgeon in any STATE who takes self pay and it is under $20,000.00. I cannot stand by any longer and watch her suffer so, please someone who knows of a surgeon and his fee please contact me at [email protected]    — Just M. (posted on January 3, 2003)

January 3, 2003
My total fees for a lap RNY with Dr. William O'Malley in Rochester, NY (525-341-6543) were just under $9,800.00. Luckily, I had no complications, so that really helped keep the price low. He's a wonderful surgeon... I'm 2.5 weeks post-op, down 14 lbs., and haven't even been anuseous yet - I can even eat bread at this point! (only 2 slices a day, of course).
   — Patricia E.

January 3, 2003
My surgeon was Dr. Dana Reiss of San Antonio Bariatrics in SA, TX. The fees for open RNY are $4750 for surgeon, $10,500 for the hospital plus lab work. Lap RNY is a little more expensive but if I remember correctly is still under $20k. Plus, they move the self-pay patients to the top of the waiting list. My first consultation was 8/5/02, surgery 10/21/02. Hope this helps!!
   — Rozey B.

January 3, 2003
Oops, sorry. Forgot the phone #. It's 210-614-3370. There are actually 4 surgeons in Dr. Reiss's practice to choose from.
   — Rozey B.

January 3, 2003
try rocky mtn. associated physicians in salt lake city utah patsy in las vegas
   — PATSY N.

January 3, 2003
Hi, Here is the web address for my surgeon. We are in West Virginia. He has a contract with his hospital. His fees and the hospitals fees are listed. Good luck to your friend. Mary<p><p>
   — Merry I.

January 3, 2003
This is not meant to discourage you, but I really need to add something here. PLEASE keep in mind that anything can happen...and just may! I had LAP RNY on April 24th and everything went great. The next day when they did the Barium swallow test to detect leaks they saw a leak so I ended back in surgery again that day. Needless to say this dramatically increased my medical costs (actually, doubled it!). I then had the cost of 2 surgeries, 2 anestesthiologists (sp?), extended hospital stay, extra meds, extra labwork, extra x-rays, etc. To make matters worse, a couple of weeks following surgery I went through a 1 month period where I had to keep going back for endoscopies and dilations because I got 4 strictures from being too good of a healer and getting scar tissue forming in the opening between my esophagus and my pouch. Well, when all was said and done, my total sugical experience (pre-op testing, surgeries, hospital stay, meds, x-rays, lab-work and endoscopies) cost a whopping $62,530! THANK GOD I have a good insurance plan and I planned ahead and set up a medical savings plan at work. I think I ended up paying approx $3000 (pre-tax dollars, thanks to my med savings plan) out of pocket. With all of that being said, would I do it again?? IN A HEARTBEAT!!!!!
   — pam29922

January 3, 2003
I HAVE to echo what Pam said. I did not expect any complications, thought I would be back at work in less than 6 weeks. Well, read my profile to see what happened. I was out of work for 6 months. Before my insurance company had received the bill for my second rehab stay (a skilled nursing facility), they had paid out over $180,000 on my behalf. I'm not saying that will happen to you, because most people do not have problems, but you do need to give some thought to what would happen if you had even minor complications. Some hospitals will give you a flat rate, even if you do have complications. Just some food for thought.
   — garw

January 4, 2003
Brazil is your answer! The fee for the DS is $8000.00 including the surgeon fee and hospital stay up to 2 weeks! So, if you should have any complications, it will be covered. If your friend has a DS, you can eat ANYTHING, no dumping! The quality of life is better, I know this first hand, my sister had an RNY, and I had the DS, and I can honestly see the difference! I know going to Brazil sounds nuts, but the surgeon is board certified here in the states, as well as England and Brazil. Check out We also have a group on Yahoo you can check out. Dr. [email protected] There is a FAQ there and it will answer alot of your questions! I am here to help if you need! Good luck to you both! You sound like a wonderful human being to help your friend out! Jackie
   — Jacklyn C.

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