If any of you has had tro use a wound-vac post-op, how long on it?

Merry Christmas Friends, Surgery 12/2 followed by serious wound infection. I'm on a wound-vac now. Has anyone out there been on one for an infection in an open-rny wound? How long were you on the wound-vac before the wound began really to close up? Just trying to get some ideas, other than the doc and nurse's "we'll see." I know everyone heals differently, but some guesstimates from personal experience would be nice. Have a wonderful Holiday!    — Mary Ann B. (posted on December 25, 2002)

December 25, 2002
Hi, I did not have a wound vac, but as a nurse case manager, I have dealt with them MANY times with my patients. All I can tell you from experience is that everyone's wounds respond differently to the wound vac, and no one, not even your doc can give you a good answer as to how long it will be on there. IT will be a week by week decision based on how your wound is doing, and even though he may say " well, I think one more week will do it" does not mean that your wound will listen to him!! Hang in there, it is a great appliance, and will really help speed up healing, even though it does not feel like that right now.
   — Vicki L.

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