A Personal Question

I'm sorry this is so graphic but I don't know any other way to say it. How come I have to "move my bowels" often. And it's usually quite a bit. Is it an indication that I'm eating too much? It just seems that more comes out then what went in.    — Peggy D. (posted on December 9, 2002)

December 9, 2002
I am so glad you asked...I have the same problem and thought it was just me... I am even too proud to ask my PCP... but perhaps I will now... I really don't eat as much as it would appear...
   — MF

December 9, 2002
Ask your doctor--after all they have seen and heard it all.
   — barbara A.

December 22, 2008
You might want to think about how often you did this prior to being overweight. Is this a change toward what your body did then? Personally, I only have a BM every 2-3 days now, UNLESS I have eaten too much sugar. Then, look out.
   — Docey

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