Researching WLS

Hi Everyone: I had a lap rny on August 21, 2002. I researched everything about this surgery for months, using this site extensively, and other sites as well. However, nothing I read beforehand could have prepared me for the pain I experienced postop. I also could do all the reading in the world, and never, ever believe that eating would be an unhappy chore that you must do in order to survive. You read how tough the diet is, but I must say, you have to actually experience this to truly understand. Anyone feel the same way? You can research your surgeon to see if he is good, but a formerly obese person will not truly understand how little you can eat and how tough it is to eat. Any comments? Love ya Grace    — Grace H. (posted on November 24, 2002)

November 23, 2002
Grace, for me the one thing, after all the research I did, that I was unprepared for was the emotional ride I took the first 6 months following surgery. This 'chore' of eating fell into that. If I can only eat such small amounts.....why cook? If I can only have 3 bites, why eat it? Why do I have to think about food so much? Things like that is what made it a chore for me. I will say, ALL of that has gone away. Each day that passes you are able to eat more and more of a variety of foods. All the while your becoming more adjusted to what you can and cant have. It all becomes second nature and its no longer an issue. This is what everyone calls changing your lifestyle instead of a 'diet'. We are just forced into doing it. Thats why we have this surgery. There are alot of things that no matter how much research you do, you will never truely understand until you go through it. I think that it is important for every pre-op to understand that you MUST be comfortable with the unexpected, because there will be some of that.
   — RebeccaP

November 23, 2002
Ahh I forgot to eat for 3 days early on, Jen was in the hospital, I was totally stressed out. Your still a newbie. Soon you will complain your appetites back. I still enjoy eating, for nearly all of us a year out can eat anything in just smaller quanties. True that one egg sized portion is no fun but nw I eat volume wise what other thin folks do. Incidently most dont suffer thru a lot of pain, I gather you were a open surgery? Did you complain about the pain? Theres a variety of pain meds some just work better on different folks. I have to ask how much have you lost and I bet your presently on a plateau?
   — bob-haller

November 23, 2002
Grace it will get a lot better! At about four or five months all of a sudden I could eat normal again. Just in smaller amounts. Keep trying foods. Things that you hated or couldn't get down last week cn become your favorite again a couple of weeks later. Read my profile. At your stage I only ate three or four bites of everything. Now I can go out to eat and have a small steak, baked potato, and veggies.
   — Linda A.

November 23, 2002
Grace, honey, it sounds like you are still experiencing post-surgical depression. It may not seem like it now, but I can almost guarantee that your feelings will change once you've overcome this barrier. Time is a great healer. Don't give up the ship just yet. We're all here for you.
   — Leslie F.

November 24, 2002
Hello: I guess I did not express myself properly. The only one who really answered my question was Rebecca. Thanks Rebecca, that was just what I needed. I was not complaining that eating was a chore. Just stating a fact for me. My real question was whether or not research prepared you for the real thing? Grace
   — Grace H.

November 25, 2002
Hi Grace..I had surgery on Sept19 2002 , open RNY. I thought I had researched the heck out of things but this is one procedure that I don't think research can prepare you for.There are so many different aspects of this surgery and every person is different.I personally was expecting to be in a lot of pain, to dump on sugar, to have tons more energy and to be full after only a few bites. That seems to be the norm.Well now I guess that i know for a fact that I am "abnormal"lol.I had no pain, can eat sugar, have NO energy and I eat more than a few bites to get full ! No research i did pointed toward those things for me.I am a very slow loser -33lbs and I still am not sure if I made the right decision. Gastric Bypass is a learn as you go kinda thing (for me anyway).Have a great day Tina
   — Tina C.

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